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Online, May 22, 2014 (Newswire.com) - Accounts and Legal is an innovative new accounting firm offering added value accounting and tax services. The firm began practicing in May 2013 after after their managing director, an experienced business owner, observed that accountants could offer their small businesses clients more.
But how did everyone find out about them?
The Accounts and Legal brand has built itself an extensive commercial presence through a marketing strategy that has been entirely digital. Social media, web and email campaigns have combined solid research and fact-finding with witty tweets and headlines to establish the brand personality and portray the firms mission to make accountancy useful for small businesses.
In conjunction with digital marketing strategies the firm have also employed a more technical approach to attract an audience; their SEO campaign has been a standout success that all businesses can learn from.
Currently, Accounts and Legal is ranked higher than all but one of the top 20 accounting firms when using Google to search for 'London Accountant'. As of the 4th April, the group ranked fourth on the search results page. The firm's social media following now comprises more than 2000 in total and the website traffic is still more impressive, attracting over 5000 web visitors per month; a figure that is growing every month.
Accounts and Legal uses a content-rich website to offer interactive advice to SMEs, on subjects from analysis of tax and legal issues, to examination of innovative small business models. One of the most attractive features of the website is the blog which is used to enlighten small businesses on topical subjects using snappy, perfectly-formed articles that are the perfect reading length for the busy entrepreneur.
But there's moreā¦
Accounts and Legal are one of the first accountants to offer an instant quote tool on their website and the benefits are two-fold. Not only does the clever calculator give enquiring clients a price for the services they need right there and then it also allows the firm convert queries into clients.
Unlike traditional accountancy firms, this automated tool can deal with requests 24 hours a day: 45% of instant quotes are made and sent through out of office hours. The accounting quote tool is both accurate and efficient, as clients can get a quote tailored to their needs within just 60 seconds.
The value added by the services Accounts and Legal provides is the business advice the staff gives, which is not limited to guidance on accounts reporting. They are unafraid to get involved in counselling over management and expenditure issues, and are branching into ad hoc marketing packages to help their small businesses clients grow using their expert knowledge.
Team demographics are split 50/50 between accounting staff, and marketing and sales. This is doubtless the key to the group's rapid growth.
If you would like to know more about Accounts and Legal and the services they offer to small businesses then visit their website or give them a call to find out how they could help you grow your business.
Accounts and Legal are London Accountants working with small businesses in London and across the UK.
Tags: entrepreneur, growth, marketing