1,000 Lakota Sioux Youth to Descend Upon Dakota Pipeline Protest Site

Oglala Lakota Sioux Crazy Horse Ride

1,000 Young Native Americans from the Oglala Lakota Sioux Tribe are raising $100,000 to pay for the transport, tents, sleeping bags, and food needed for them to reach the pipeline protest site, according to One Spirit Native Progress.

The Standing Rock Lakota Sioux are taking a stand to protect the water, the land, and their heritage threatened by the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The construction led by Energy Transfer Inc. has already destroyed ancient burial sites, prayer grounds, and sacred artifacts. The Standing Rock Lakota have been joined by members of 280 other tribes, and the youth from the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation want to join their elders and stand with them.

Not only would this strengthen the #NODAPL movement, it could also be a turning point in stopping the epidemic of youth suicide on the reservation. If you’re wondering why so many teens are choosing to end their own life, look at these numbers:

  • 97% of the population at Pine Ridge Reservation live below federal poverty line.
  • The unemployment rate on the Reservation vacillates between 85% and 95%.
  • The median income on the Pine Ridge Reservation is less than $3,500 PER YEAR.
  • 75% of the youth drop out of school.
  • At least 60% of the homes are without water, electricity, insulation, or sewage systems.
  • The Pine Ridge Reservation has the shortest life expectancy of any community in the Western Hemisphere outside Haiti. It’s a third-world situation right in America’s back yard. 

Despite these difficult conditions, Lakota youth are determined to support their people, make an impact, and be part of the history that Native tribes are creating right now. Many Oglala Lakota have already played a key part in the pipeline opposition.

Most of the youth have been supporting their elders from afar until now, but they are determined to reach the protest site to lend their voice to the movement in person. Young runners from Pine Ridge arrived at Standing Rock on the evening October 2nd. They ran more than 500 miles to show their commitment and support.

For media inquiries, contact: Jeri Baker, Executive Director of One Spirit Native Progress at (570) 460-6567 or [email protected]

For the Lakota Youth against DAPL fundraiser, visit https://www.facebook.com/donate/10153765505705493/

More information on One Spirit’s Facebook page

Other One Spirit Oglala Lakota projects: Help us finish the Charging Buffalo House!

Source: One Spirit Native Progress


Tags: American Indian, Dakota pipeline, dapl, Native American, pipeline, reservation, sacred stone, Sioux, standing rock

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One Spirit Native Progress is a 501c3 organization dedicated to serving the needs of the Oglala Lakota Sioux on the Pine Ridge Reservation.

One Spirit Native Progress
Post Office Box 3209
Rapid City, SD 57709
United States