1,500+ North America & Europe Domiciled ETFs Now Rated on Their Replication Quality

TrackInsight ratings offer a unique insight into the performances of major ETFs with regards to their benchmark. Browse a universe of 3,600+ ETFs and select those that meet your investment goals. Free access on www.trackinsight.com

TrackInsight (www.trackinsight.com), the independent global ETF data & analytics platform, is delighted to announce the release of 2017 Summer ETF ratings. 881 Europe-listed & 621 North America-listed ETFs now benefit from a fully independent rating, enabling investors to easily assess the replication quality of ETFs based on a three-year track record. These 1,502 rated ETFs, covering all asset classes and the most sought-after benchmarks, represent over €2.5T in AUMs.

Amongst them, 378 have been awarded 3 to 5 stars, a testimony to their superior performance vs peers both in terms of tracking difference and tracking error. Such high-quality ETFs - accounting for 55%+ of global ETF AUMs - make up the “TrackInsight A-list”, which is now considered as the industry benchmark for passive funds by large institutional investors.

Our firm is delighted to offer a full coverage of U.S.-listed ETFs and allow North America professional investors to quickly access independent and trustworthy information on the quality of the funds they select. We are confident the traction seen in Europe with over 6,500 users will be followed by similar growth in the US and Canada.

Jean-René Giraud, Founding CEO

TrackInsight independent ratings are based on a systematic quantitative analysis of at least three years of track record and shed light on the ETFs offering the best in class replication of their respective index. The full methodology is available on www.trackinsight.com.

Ratings can be found using the free search bar, analysis, comparison and monitoring tools of our TrackInsight platform. The platform allows you to screen a global universe, identify and select the ETFs that best meet your investment objectives.

About TrackInsight
TrackInsight is the first platform for rating and selecting exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Based on controlled and certified data, TrackInsight offers its users total transparency on the primary quality demanded to ETFs, the faithfulness with which they replicate their underlying benchmarks. The platform launched in October 2014 is now used by more than 6,500 investment professionals acting on their own behalf or for third parties.

[email protected]

Source: TrackInsight


Tags: Best ETF, ETF selection, ETFs, exchange-traded funds, funds, investments, performances, ratings, replication accuracy, tracking difference, tracking error, trackinsight

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