1 Chick With A Billion Things To Say

A blog with purpose! Life, Love and Everything in between.

Stephanie Holmes is a writer, publisher and a domestic violence activist. She has created a blog on her life journey in the hopes that she can help just one person make the change needed to get out of a violent situation. Domestic violence is all over the news and is a growing epidemic all over the world! Women and men need a place to learn and share, laugh and grow, love and forgive. "If I can help another person stay alive then I have done my job" My journey will uncover my life through my eyes. My story of domestic violence is the same story I hear over and over again from people all across the world. Abusers are manipulators! Come and read, join in if you would like to, or get help if you need help. All are welcome on this blog to share and explore and let it all out! If you are in a situation where you are being hurt, physically or mentally there is help and hope out there. We all need to stand together and put a stop to domestic violence! Join a cause and lend a hand. One person can make a change. It is time for domestic violence to end across the globe. Thank you and many blessing ~ Stephanie Holmes


Tags: blogs, domestic violence, Education

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