1 Giant Mind To Hold 2nd Annual Mass Meditation Event In Bali 10th June 2012

Non profit organization 1 Giant Mind will hold their 2nd annual meditation event in Bali on Sunday June 10th at 5pm on the beach in front of Petitenget temple in Seminyak.

1Giant Mind is a global research and education organization based in California. Their mission is to coordinate the largest simultaneous global experiences of "eyes closed silence" in human history and measure the collective effect through scientific research. They are working towards uniting 100 million people to participate simultaneously in a global event and have the worlds' leading scientific researchers' study the effect on individuals, communities and society.1 Giant Mind also proposes to further the study of the effect of the collective human mind by conducting experiments on a scale never before attempted in human history.

Dedicated to the research and education of the effects of collective meditation, they use the term 'eyes-closed silence'. Eyes Closed Silence (ECS) refers to any mental process including most common practices of meditation, prayer, observance of the breath, and contemplation that induces a set of integrated psycho physiological changes termed as the 'relaxation response'.
"Leading scientific research has demonstrated that every human being generates a 'thought force'. When a large group of people collectively meditate the thought force becomes unified, creating a wonderfully uplifting and positive effect within and beyond the group. The experience of being in the company of thousands of other meditating minds is something you should experience at least once in this lifetime, but so few actually have the opportunity to do so until now. " Gary Gorrow. Co-founder 1 Giant Mind

The first Bali Experiment, held in September 2011, united local Balinese, ex-pats and tourists in a profound experience of silence that generated a palpable effect. Following much positive feedback, 1 Giant Mind joined forces with new luxury retreat company Soul Sanctuaries and international event company Vigour, to build on last year's success.

"1 Giant Mind stands to become etched into the Balinese annual calendar; an event that locals can look forward to and which also attracts visitors from all over the world to the island" adds 1 Giant Mind co-founder and President Jonni Pollard.
The global event calendar is growing too, with several meditation events which already took place in Sydney and Newcastle in Australia and upcoming events in LA, New York and Sydney again.

"Following the success of our Bali Experiment event last September, this year will see an even greater crowd who are drawn together to experience a collective peaceful atmosphere on the magical island of Bali." 1 Giant Mind Global Event Director Tiana Wallace.

This year's event will be again be held in collaboration with local 'Bali Usada' meditation teacher and renowned healer Bapak Merta Ada. Teaching meditation at retreats for both locals and foreigners, Bapak Merta Ada will assist in bringing together the island's religious and spiritual leaders and invite all local dignitaries and Balinese communities to participate in a most simple yet profound group experience.

Directors of both Vigour and Soul Sanctuaries, this year's Bali Experiment organizers, are also students of Pak Merta Ada's meditation retreats. Feeling the positive energy of such a large group gathering in meditation last October, they contacted 1 Giant Mind to offer their expertise in creating another event.

"I've always loved to meditate within a group environment. I drop into a deeper meditation quicker and with less of a 'monkey mind' than my regular solo meditations. Last year at this event there were tourists who just happened to be walking along the beach that joined in and meditated for the first time ever and thought it was awesome. Now that's powerful!" Joanne McFarlane of Soul Sanctuaries

Expecting over a thousand participants, this year's event will begin at 5pm with a musical performance followed by introductions in both English and Indonesian. 'Eyes Closed Silence' will begin, followed by a Question and Answer discussion session.

"We started in Bali because it naturally lends itself to sacred gatherings on mass. It's a daily happening here. It's a perfect starting point for 1 Giant Mind this year. 2013 is going to be the big year for us. We will be launching in numerous cities across the world. Jonni Pollard.


For all Press Inquiries:
Joanne McFarlane
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +62 81 138 02866

Further Information
Location: beachfront directly in front of Petitenget Hindu Temple in Seminyak
Parking: ample parking space at the temple for cars and motorbikes
Time: The Bali Experiment 2 will begin at 5pm on Sunday 10th June 2012

• Press Conference
• Musical entertainment* followed by an introduction in both Indonesian and English care of Bapak Merta Ada and Jonni Pollard.
• Eyes Closed Silence
• Q and A and open discussion
*details to be announced nearer to event


Social Media
(i)1 Giant Mind
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/1-Giant-Mind/123225541105497
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/1giantmind
Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/1giantmind
(ii) Vigour
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Vigour/200648536633645
(iii) Soul Sanctuaries
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soulsanctuaries
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/SoulSanctuaries
Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/soulsanc
(iv) Bali Usada
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mertaada
Twitter : https://twitter.com/#!/Mertaada


Tags: 1 giant mind, meditation, meditation bali, meditation retreats bali, soul sanctuaries, spiritual bali, vigour, yoga and meditation retreats bal

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