11 Alive NBC News Spotlights UroMed Non-Profit Program: Life After Spinal Cord Injury's Facebook Pee
Online, July 27, 2011 (Newswire.com) - Atlanta's 11 Alive NBC News [WXIA-TV] recently featured UroMed's non-profit program, Life After Spinal Cord Injury, spotlighting LASCI's efforts to provide an online support community via Facebook for wheelchair users worldwide.
View the LASCI interview at: http://www.11alive.com/video/1071506903001/1/Get-out-and-live
As part of the story, 11 Alive News interviewed two UroMed employees, David Williams and Eric Kolar, who share their experiences as wheelchair users as well as discussing their involvement with the Life After Spinal Cord Injury motivational program.
"A lot of times, people will say 'You don't understand.' and I'll say, 'Hey, I do understand, I've been in a wheelchair for 19 years," Kolar says while relaying his perspective as a LASCI peer counselor.
The interview also informs viewers that LASCI has partnered with SPORTS 'N SPOKES magazine, published by the Paralyzed Veterans of America, to provide Facebook participants with a list of accessible programs, places, and events, spotlighting one state per day across the country between July 15-August 15, 2011. Viewers also can post photos of related family vacations and weekend outings on the Facebook pages or in a photo gallery on the S'NS website for a chance to win a range of prizes.
Helpful Links
SPORTS 'N SPOKES Facebook page:
Life After Spinal Cord Injury Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Life-After-Spinal-Cord-Injury-SCI/182649975095273
About SPORTS 'N SPOKES magazine
SPORTS 'N SPOKES is a bimonthly publication produced by the Paralyzed Veterans of America. S'NS reports on competitive sports and recreation for wheelchair users. Since 1975, S'NS has been a leader in wheelchair sports coverage and currently goes to more than 50,000 subscribers in 43 countries worldwide. Our readers come from all walks of life, all having one thing in common: determination! SPORTS 'N SPOKES is committed to providing a voice for the wheelchair sporting and recreation community. For more information, visit http://www.sportsnspokes.com
About Life After Spinal Cord Injury
Bert Burns became quadriplegic as a result of an automobile accident during his youth. His desire to make a positive difference in the lives of people with disabilities led him to create a free motivational program for peer support and rehabilitation groups called Life After Spinal Cord Injury. In 2010, the free, nonprofit program helped more than 600 medical professionals, patients, former patients, and family members with information, advice, and encouragement. LASCI expects to more than double that number in 2011. LASCI is sponsored by UroMed one of the largest urological supply companies in the country. Join more than 2,700 friends in our Facebook support community at: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Life-After-Spinal-Cord-Injury-SCI/182649975095273
Tags: disability, facebook, Health, NBC News, paralysis, spinal cord, Sports n Spokes, UroMed, wheelchair