2009 Open Source CMS Market Share Report Highlights Content Management Leaders, Key Market Dynamics

The Big Three tighten their grip while ascendant challengers battle in the wings.

San Francisco - October 15, 2009 -- The 2009 Open Source CMS Market Share Report was released today and concludes that three brands - Joomla!, WordPress and Drupal - dominate today's market. Since 2008, The Big Three have solidified their grip on the market, with Joomla! taking the lead in many indicators for the first time since the project's launch in 2005.

The report follows the market share and brand strength indicators for 20 top systems, assessing each on a wide variety of traditional and Web 2.0 measures. The study focuses on identifying the market leaders, both in terms of rate of adoption and mindshare.

"This is the second year we've conducted the analysis. The report benefits greatly from expanded historical data and this year's user survey," states Ric Shreves, partner at water&stone and lead analyst on the report. "It's clearly been a good year for Joomla!, but it's also been a very positive year for a number of other projects, indicating the growing strength of open source offerings in the content management space."

While WordPress, Joomla! and Drupal lead the survey set across a wide range of measures, the report also identifies other stars. Alfresco, a vendor focused on both document management and web content management, performed well across a number of categories and led the Java-based open source CMS race over its nearest rival, Liferay. DotNetNuke led the .NET-based open source CMS category, though the report goes on to identify reasons why that position may soon be changing. In addition to naming the market leaders, the study also identifies projects whose market share and brand metrics indicate they are at risk.

The Open Source CMS Market Share Report was launched in 2008 by digital agency water&stone. For the 2009 report, water&stone joined forces with CMSWire.com in order to create a more comprehensive and authoritative report. As a result, this year's report covers more ground, and looks more deeply into the metrics. A key difference in this year's report is the presence of direct evidence of adoption rates, brand awareness and brand sentiment, which was gathered by a survey of over 500 open source CMS users.

A complimentary copy of the survey can be downloaded from http://www.cmswire.com/downloads/cms-market-share/


About the publishers


water&stone is a full service digital agency, located in Bali, Indonesia. The company is focused on helping clients realize increased value from the implementation of open source tools, in particular open source content management systems.
water&stone was formed in 2003, specifically in response to the growth and maturation of open source CMS solutions. Since that time, the team has delivered more than 400 web projects to clients located all over the world. As an indication of their expertise, many of the firm's clients are other web development and design studios located in Australia, the UK, North America and Europe.
In addition to design and development, water&stone provides consultancy and search marketing services, including brand monitoring and reputation management.

Contact water&stone via email: [email protected]
Visit the company site: http://waterandstone.com
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CMSWire (www.cmswire.com) is a rapidly growing Internet magazine published by Simpler Media Group. The publication, originally founded in 2003 by Brice Dunwoodie, is focused on content management, web publishing, enterprise 2.0, and social media trends.
The CMSWire readership is global and consists of CIOs, technical business managers and technical personnel concerned with content- and process-centric business software. The main website has more than 135,000 unique visitors each month.

Contact Brice Dunwoodie via email: [email protected]
Contact CMSWire Editorial via email: [email protected]
Visit the website: http://www.cmswire.com
Follow CMSWire on Twitter: http://twitter.com/cmswire

Media Contacts:
Please contact Ric Shreves by email at [email protected]


Tags: CMS, Content Management System, Drupal, Joomla, open source, wordpress

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