2011 Open Source CMS Market Survey Set to Define Market Leaders

Open source CMS users invited to provide insights for the 4th annual report on the open source CMS market

water&stone is now in the process of gathering data for the fourth annual Open Source CMS Market Share Report. This year's report will be looking at survey data gathered from CMS users around the world. The survey is now available online at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2011-OSCMS-Survey

"We first ran this user survey in 2009 and received a total of 600 response. Last year's survey grew to 3000 users, a number we are looking to surpass this year" remarks Ric Shreves, partner at water&stone and lead analyst on the Report.

The survey centers on brand sentiment and the selection criteria employed by users when opting to implement an open source platform for online content management. With this scale and longevity of data, water&stone has been able to gain an insight into the evolution of the Open Source CMS industry over time.

Shreves notes that "the highly competitive open source market is rapidly expanding as more users opt to shake off ongoing licensing fees and rigid update cycles associated with propriety platforms." The 2011 survey identifies the Top 20 products based, in part, on the data generated by the survey.

The report is due to be released to the public in late November, but participants in the survey can request to receive an advanced copy.

The Open Source CMS Market Share Report was launched in 2008 by digital agency water&stone. The Report is non-commercial and released under an open license. Since its inception, the Open Source CMS Market Share Report has become the industry standard for purpose of defining market share and adoption rates in the open source content management system market.

You can download a copy of the 2010 Open Source CMS Market Share Report from http://www.waterandstone.com/book/2010-open-source-cms-market-share-report


Tags: CMS, Content Management System, Drupal, Joomla, open source, wordpress

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