2011 Will See Epic Earnings For Smart Investors: Wilkinson Bennings

As traditional mutual funds and stocks close a second consecutive disappointing year, Wilkinson Bennings alternative investments like their hedge funds have done spectacularly well as they generate profits from markets moving up or down.

Volatility in markets such as oil, real estate, gold and other metals have made Wilkinson Benning's hedge funds the most consistent top earner in 2010. These were the findings of the Troyden Research Group's annual earnings survey of high net worth individuals around the globe. The survey weighted actual earnings against the risk profile, with in the case of Wilkinson Bennings was very low relative to the exceptional profits made for their clients.

Analysts at the firm expect an even better year in 2011. Oil and gold hedge funds will continue to yield significant returns as world economies continue to recover slowly. The is also a consensus that rare metals will take center stage as demand from high tech manufacturers outpace a limited production pool.

It is important that you read the relevant documentation before you invest with any advisor to ensure you understand the specific risks involved and to determine whether it is a suitable product for you. Wilkinson Bennings provides copies of all relevant documentation free of charge upon request. The value of shares or funds, as well as any income from them can go down as well as up and you may not get back all that you have invested.

Wilkinson Bennings believes that the information within this release is accurate as at the date of publication. We cannot guarantee the accuracy, suitability or completeness of any such information after this date. We accept no liability for any data transmission failures such as data loss or damage or alteration of any kind. Accordingly Wilkinson Bennings accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any part of this release.

Estimates of future returns or indications of past performance in this release are for information purposes and should not be considered as a guarantee of future performance. Changes in currency exchange rates may have an adverse effect on the value or income. The level of tax benefits and liabilities will depend on individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future.


Tags: hedgefund, Investments, profit, success, Value, wealth, Wilkinson Bennings

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