2015 Texas Filmmaker of the Year, Brett Bentman, Directs His Second Film in Texas and Puts the First Twenty Minutes Online, for Free

In the upcoming film, "Pale", two sisters become separated after a post-apacolyptic depression. The movie is the third feature film written by award winning Texas based writer/director Brett Bentman, and his second film as Director.

Brett Bentman's previous work include "Element" with Michael Ironside and "Kreep" starring Judd Nelson, Lymari Nadal and Charles Baker.

"Pale" stars Katie Kohler and Ashlyn McEvers as two sisters (Natalie and Sarah West) and Nellie Sciutto from the box office hit, "Shutter Island." Rounding out the cast is Lance De Los Santos, Todd Jenkins, Ben Rigsby, Billy Blair, Tom Zembrod, Tiffany Heath and Bill Nicholas.

"Pale is organic. I'm taking film making back to the basics; lights, cameras and action. No gimmicks. Just talented people who share my vision for a script I adore." Said Brett at a recent film festival in Austin, TX.

Pale is currently filming in Dallas/Fort Worth with Circus Wheel Productions and Turtle Moon Films producing. Production is expected to be completed in January of 2016, with a projected release date of April 2016.

Writer: Patti Tripp

Dark Water Productions

Watch the first twenty minutes of Pale on Vimeohttps://vimeo.com/137973131

Pale Official Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/Palemovie

Pale Official IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4815204/?ref_=ttfc_fc_tt


Tags: action film, actors, bloggers, drama film, entertainment, feature film, film directors, film distribution, film producers, films, independent films, movie

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