2023 List of Virginia's Most Endangered Historic Places Announced

Nine individual locations and two thematic nominations facing substantial threats were named to this year's list.
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Each May — National Historic Preservation Month — Preservation Virginia releases a list of historic places across the Commonwealth facing imminent or sustained threats. The list, which has brought attention to 170 sites in Virginia, encourages individuals, organizations, and local and state governments to advocate for their preservation and find solutions that will save these unique locations for future generations.

"Historic places are at the forefront of debates about the environment, affordable housing, and smart growth," said Elizabeth S. Kostelny, Preservation Virginia CEO. "We need to work together to address these issues while preserving locations that still have so much to teach about our collective past and present. Once a historic place is demolished, it's gone forever."

Virginia's Most Endangered Historic Places for 2023 are:

  • African American Watermen Sites of the Chesapeake Bay

The rural, coastal locations of most watermen communities make them increasingly vulnerable to redevelopment, and recurrent flooding and sea level rise puts many at even more risk.

  • Chapman Beverly Mill, Prince William County 

Located in Prince William County's Rural Crescent, this 18th-19th century gristmill was heavily damaged in 1998 by arson. The Turn the Mill Around Campaign began the steps necessary to stabilize the mill and provide public access, but more support is needed.

  • Dwellings of the Enslaved, Statewide 

Dwellings of the enslaved embody the history of slavery and its legacies of racism, suffering, and oppression. Once widespread, few examples survive today due to weather, deferred maintenance, insensitive development, and the lack of funding. 

  • Last Headquarters of the Virginia Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, Hampton

This ca.1925 building served as the last headquarters of the Virginia Federation of Colored Women's Clubs. The site is in need of support so it can be used as a center for educating the public.

  • The Town of Potomac Historic District, Alexandria

In recent years approximately 75 contributing buildings in the district were demolished. Creative solutions are needed to provide additional space for homeowners while protecting the district's historic buildings. 

  • Willa Cather Birthplace, Frederick County

Famed American fiction writer and Pulitzer Prize-winner Willa Cather was born in an early 19th-century log and frame house. The house, which was recently sold, is in poor condition and needs immediate stabilization.

  • Historic High Schools in Virginia Cities including Maury High School in Norfolk, the Moore Street School in Richmond, Thirteen Acres School in Richmond, and the Peabody-Williams School in Petersburg

The four schools listed this year face challenges mainly due to deferred maintenance.     

  • Bristoe Station Battlefield 

The Bristoe Station Battlefield Park in western Prince William County is facing new threats from a massive warehouse development proposal. The overall threat of large-scale industrial development to historic battlefields continues to be a challenge in Virginia. 

Source: Preservation Virginia


Tags: African American History, Development, History, Preservation, Virginia

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204 W Franklin St
Richmond, VA 23220
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