24/7 Magazine Features GC Flight As One of The "Top Things To Do" In Las Vegas

A local business is recognized for its dedication, discounted tours and unique touring options by 24/7 magazine.

GC Flight is known for their exceptional customer services, elongated tours, extended helicopter fleets and their numerous adventures tours. This top tour company features discounted rates for high-end tours many visitors assume would cost a fortune. Bruce Whiteley, President of GC Flight strives to make group tours affordable to everyone with tours starting as low as $58 per person. Of course it depends on what you want to see and the way in which you wish to travel, but you can now see the Grand Canyon and its surrounding areas such as the Hoover Dam, Zion and Bryce National Park for less!

24/7 magazine sets GC Flight apart by tagging them with "Extraordinary adventure awaits you." They continue to emphasize that GC Flight offers a broad, unique way to see the Grand Canyon through Hummer tours and helicopter rides that remain their bestseller. GC Flight was beyond excited to be recognized by a local publication for their accomplishments and dedication as a local, striving business who fuels the local tourism industry.

Past customers rant and rave about GC Flight. Joseph Thinn from Arizona personally emailed Bruce Whiteley exclaiming, "You know Bruce, the distance that the limo went was far, far, FAR more than bargained for. We were only expecting you to pick us up at the hotel, drop us off at Boulder Airport and then return us to the hotel, coming from Boulder Airport. We never dreamed that you would pick us up in Arizona. Either way, know that when more guests come from out of the country, you will be the first person we contact for tours in Vegas. Thanks for taking care of me and my guests. We won't forget it. The tour was awesome. simply awesome. Thanks a million."

To learn more about GC Flight and their Grand Canyon air tours visit http://www.gcflight.com or call 800-871-1030 to book a discounted expedition!


Tags: 24/7 magazine, grand canyon air tours, grand canyon tours

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GC Flight
2350 S. Jones Blvd. Suite 101
Las Vegas, NV 89146
United States