24 Locksmith Orange County Response Program Is Now Fully Operational

24 Locksmith Orange County has just announced that its innovative emergency locksmith response program is now fully operational.

24 Locksmith Orange County has just announced that its innovative emergency locksmith response program is now fully operational. The all-hours locksmith company has a fleet of vans, each stocked with as much equipment as a standard locksmith shop, ready to meet clients wherever there are in all cities and towns of Orange County.

Jay Cohen, owner and founder of 24 Locksmith, described the company’s mission as follows: “We have a straightforward business model, giving people what they need when they need it. We work fast, and we work cheap. We’re here to help. It’s simple, and that’s what people like about us.”

24 Orange County is one of the newest offshoots of 24 Locksmith, a nationwide locksmith company originally based in Boston. This local branch employs a team of top-class professional locksmiths. Each one is selected for their high level of skills and training, and their ability to work quickly, ideal for the emergency locksmith services that 24 Orange County specializes in.

The team of locksmiths are all in constant contact with a single headquarters, where a team of dispatchers use a unique computer system to coordinate their network. This allows them to instantly locate the locksmith who is nearest to any given caller, and send them straight to the client’s location.

Cohen stressed that his company is here to meet the needs of Orange County residents. “We know that no-one these days has time to wait around for a locksmith. If something goes wrong late at night, or you get locked out of your car and you’re stranded in some weird place, you want someone to come to you right away. And you want someone who’s friendly, a real professional.”

For more information contact

Jay Cohen

24 Locksmith Orange County




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