28 Museums to Compete in International Museum Dance Off Competition

The second annual Museum Dance Off competition features 28 museums from the around the world.

28 Museums to Compete in International Museum Dance Off Competition

The second annual Museum Dance Off competition features 28 museums from the around the world. Museums from six countries on four continents submitted dance videos, including the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History in Washington, DC, the Orillia Museum of Art and History in Orillia, ON, and the Fine Arts Zanabazar Museum in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The participants are dancing their way towards the ultimate prize: a trophy, and bragging rights.

Museums aren't dusty, dim places where you have to whisper and tip-toe. They are vibrant places full of creative people. Museum dance off is a chance for museums to demonstrate that.

Maggie Guzowski, Author, When You Work at A Museum

Each participating museum created a short video featuring their staff, volunteers, and even visitors lip­synching and dancing through their buildings, grounds and communities. Round One voting runs from April 20 to April 29. Each day a selection of videos will be up for voting, and the videos with the most popular votes will advance to Rounds Two and Three. Several Judge’s Choice Awards will also be given in categories that include Best In Competition, Best Parody Song, and Best Mission Narrative. The official competition trailer, the competing videos, and a complete voting schedule can be viewed at www.whenyouworkatamuseum.com.

Museum Dance Off is an online dance video competition organized by When You Work at A Museum, a humor blog that shares stories of museum ­related joy, frustration, excitement, and horror. The contest pits museums from around the world against each other in a daily voting competition, with the winner proceeding to the next round. Any museum, gallery, archive, or library caring for objects of scientific, cultural, historic, or artistic value was invited to submit a video.

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Tags: competition, dance, dance off, museum, museums