29th Annual Adoption Conference "Adoption Where The Joy Begins"

ADOPTIVE PARENTS COMMITTEE, INC. TO HOST 29TH ANNUAL TRI-STATE ADOPTION CONFERENCE DURING NATIONAL ADOPTION MONTHWHAT:The largest day-long adoption conference in the northeast raises awareness of adoption by providing current information & resoures

29th Annual Adoption Conference
"Adoption Where The Joy Begins"
P.O. Box 3525
Church Street Station
New York, NY 10008-3525

CONTACT: Caryl Deiches
[email protected]

Renowned adoption expert Holly Van Gulden to be keynote at this year's event,
Featuring more than 75 workshops and panels

New York, NY-The Adoptive Parents Committee Inc. (APC) is pleased to announce that adoption counselor, author and adoption expert Holly Van Gulden will serve as the keynote speaker at the 29th annual Tri-State Adoption Conference, the largest one-day adoption conference in the northeast. The daylong event, presented by the APC annually during national Adoption Month, will be held on Sunday, November 22, 2009 at St. Francis College, 180 Remsen St., Brooklyn NY located in Borough Hall Brooklyn between Court and Clinton streets.
Since 1985, Holly Van Gulden has been training adoptive and foster parents as well as professionals throughout the United States as co-director of Adoptive Family Counseling Center.
Herself an adoptive parent who grew up in a multi-racial, international family comprised of six children born to the family, four adopted children and several foster brothers and sisters she brings a unique blend of professional and personal experience to her work.
"There's so much information out there, and it can be difficult to navigate through it all," says Van Gulden who has co-authored books including "Learning the Dance of Attachment", "Real Parent, Real Children", and "Parenting the Adopted Child." "I've been privileged to educate families and professionals for many years, and look forward to sharing both needed information for those beginning their adoption journey, plus inspiring stories from adoptive families."

The APC Conference will include more than 75 workshops, seminars and forums addressing all stages of adoption, from considering forming a family through adoption to deciding whether to pursue it internationally, domestically or through the foster care system. "There have been many changes in the last few years, and our conference will help you understand each and every nuance, for domestic, international adoption and public adoption," says Monica Holly, President of the APC and adoptive mother of 15 children. "With financial concerns paramount on everyone's mind, we have included several new workshops focusing on ways to finance your adoption and grants available."

Another featured speaker is Dr. Jane Aronson, who is known worldwide for her expertise and advocacy in issues ranging from pre-adoption counseling to long-term developmental issues and concerns. She calls the conference "one of the most important events for families considering adoption, as well as families formed through adoption. The information is comprehensive, addressing current issues of interest to those considering adoption, waiting to bring their children home, adoptive parents, and the rapidly growing numbers of single, gay and lesbian people forming families through adoption." As a physician and adoptive mother of two sons, Dr. Aronson and her non-profit group, Worldwide Orphans Foundation, have been profiled in The New York Times, People, and many other publications.

Topics covered in the workshops and panels will include Making the Decision to Adopt; Adopting Over 40 and 50; Adoption and the Internet; International Adoption Paperwork; Transracial Adoptions; and Discussing Adoption. Many helpful resources will also be featured in the Exhibit Hall, where attendees can collect literature, buy books and adoption specialty items and speak one-on-one with agencies, adoption specialists, attorneys and adoptive parents.

"The conference covers every possible aspect of adoption in one place and in one day," says Rita Taddonio, director of Spence-Chapin's Adoption Resource Center. "The APC conference is a wonderful resource for prospective parents, those who are parenting and even professionals. It informs families about the concrete issues they will be facing throughout the process of adopting as well as throughout the life cycle of a family formed through adoption." Taddonio will be speaking about important issues facing those pursuing adoption as well as adoption and school issues.

APC is a volunteer organization dedicated to providing support and information to those pursuing adoption as well as those who have successfully adopted. The nonprofit is committed to enhancing awareness of adoption and educating the public, media and elected officials. For over 50 years, APC has grown to include four chapters in New York City, Long Island, Hudson Region and New Jersey and a membership of several thousand.

The 29th Annual Tri-State Adoption Conference is based on the theme "Adoption: Where the Joy Begins." Register online. Registration prior to November 9, 2009 is $25 per person for current APC members (a one-year membership is mandatory to attend). For more information call 212-304-8479 or visit APC's website at www.adoptiveparents.org where you can vie a speakers list and register online.

WHAT: The largest day-long adoption conference in the northeast raises awareness of adoption by providing current information and resources for prospective parents, adoptive parents, and professionals in all fields related to adoption.

WHO: More than 50 adoption experts will present workshops, seminars and panel discussions, including:

 Keynote speaker Holly Van Gulden, renowned adoption expert, adoption counselor, author and Co-Director of Adoptive Family Counseling Center.
 Dr. Jane Aronson, internationally renowned pediatrician and founder/director of the Worldwide Orphans Foundation
 More than 45 exhibitors -- domestic and international adoption agencies, social workers and industry professionals
 Adoption attorneys Aaron Britvan, Michael Goldstein and Robin Fleischner

WHEN: Sunday, November 22, 2009, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

WHERE: St. Francis College
180 Remsen St.
Brooklyn, NY
Located in Borough Hall Brooklyn
Between Court and Clinton Streets

WHY: To address the needs of the increasing number of individuals and couples pursuing adoption, this conference provides comprehensive information, from the how-to's of adopting domestically, internationally and through the foster care system to current legislation to medical, psychological and social issues to parenting.

APC is a volunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing awareness of adoption and educating the public, media and elected officials. For over 50 years, the organization has grown to include four chapters in New York City, Long Island, Hudson Region and New Jersey.

For more information about this event and press passes, call 212-304-8479 or visit APC's website at www.adoptiveparents.org.


Tags: adoption, conference, non-profit


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Caryl Deiches
P.O. Box 3525 Church Street Station
New York, NY