2nd Book of Sensational Civil War Series Releases Today

Visceral, relatable, raw: Experience the Civil War for what it truly was. Roland Hick's incendiary 7-book series has readers clamoring for the next book The Falcon, released this week as an exclusive pre-sale deal: Fans have 2 weeks to buy both books for the price of 1.

This week, CT-based novelist Roland Hicks releases signed pre-sale copies of The Falcon, the long-awaited 2nd book in his groundbreaking 7-part Civil War series.

Following last summer’s successful debut of The Ceremony of Innocence, books 1 and 2 will be available for purchase together for the price of 1, or separately - from Tuesday March 10th-24th, 2015.

"A very promising start to an overdue series on the real Civil War...the point of view and voice are very well done. "

Richard Slotkin, Two-time National Book Award Finalist, The Long Road to Antietam.

Further into the project, Hicks announces that he will be donating a portion of proceeds to the charitable organizations Civil War Trust and National Preservation Trust.

Readers will not find this series to be an idealistic, romanticized pictorial. These are real books for real people. Civil War fiction is an extensive category, but no book has yet to bring to life the raw, gritty, undiluted spirit of this era – the way it truly was.

It appeals to the every-day reader through sarcasm, undeviating candor, visceral authenticity, soul churning imagery, and a healthy dose of pragmatic realism.

Several big-name authors within the Civil War genera have acclaimed the series:

“Funny, poignant, completely different from the standard Civil War book. It appeals on many levels; visual, visceral, with wonderful dialogue. It would make a great TV series along the lines of Boardwalk Empire.” James Marshall Reilly, Shake the World.

Not your typical author, Hicks lost everything when he was caught up in a Kafkaesque financial disaster. He spent 4 ½ years in 10 prisons in 5 states until he successfully sued for his release.

“The conditions I wrote under made my writing better than it was ever going to be, sailing along on a pretty-okay life,” Hicks said. “Shuffling through humiliations; suffering a deep sense of loss; dealing, almost moment to moment, with psychopaths of every stripe had an effect on every aspect of my writing.”

“It made the violence more real, the humor blacker and sharper, the sex honest, disillusionment and betrayal more heartfelt, emotions more raw…“   

The series is projected to achieve unparalleled success, with the first book having sold over 1000 copies by word of mouth alone. Hicks is no stranger to the art, his writing acclaimed by several major authors and editors including two-time National Book Award Finalist and American History expert, Richard Slotkin.

With evocative edgy humor, detailed and deliberate historical accuracy, and the linguistic dexterity to weave it all together, Hick’s Hanlin Novels are well worth a read – they will suck you into William Hanlin’s world.

For copies of the books: http://rrhicks.com/the-falcon-pre-release-sale/

 Read more at www.rrhicks.com and visit us on Facebook.


For all media inquires, please contact agent:

Jessica C Beder

Digital Publishing Consultant

[email protected]



Tags: American Civil War, books, Civil War, historical fiction, history, literary fiction, publishing, realism.

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