2StopSmokingTips.com Reveals How to Keep Your New Year Stop Smoking Resolution Through New Resource

Find out how to keep your new year resolution to stop smoking,why quit smoking resolutions fail as well as how to succeed with your new year determination to cease smoking.

2stopsmokingtips.com, a leading quit smoking company, today announced the launch of a new resource dedicated to helping cigarette addicts keep their new year stop smoking resolution. The Lagos-based smoking cessation firm is not happy that a lot of smokers can't keep their New Year resolution. To help out, it has come up with an online resource center built exclusively for smokers that want to quit smoking in the New Year and enjoy good health.

"Quitting smoking is one tough nut to crack but with information, advance preparation and support, it is still the best decision you can make to improve your overall health and well-being," stated Iyabo Oyawale, founder of 2StopSmokingTips.com. "Our new resource teaches cigarette addicts how to capitalize on the advent of the New Year to permanently cease smoking cigarettes."

The new resource covers a range of topics including a step-by-step guide to keeping your New Year resolution, why it's important to choose a quit date, how to find reliable support during the quit process and how to develop a quit plan. It also seeks an answer to why people make New Year resolutions which fizzle into the thin air few days after the New Year celebration.

According to Oyawale, while quit smoking is no effortless undertaking, too many cigarette addicts give up when they don't find themselves successfully quitting smoking after a trial or two. This new resource aims to turn around that trend by showing nicotine addicts and their families how long-standing addiction recovery can catapult them into the ex-smokers' league, no matter how difficult a task that may seem.

Full details on the new stop smoking resource as well as 101 tips for overcoming smoking addiction can be found at http://www.2StopSmokingTips.com.

About 2StopSmokingTips.com
2StopSmokingTips.com leverages nearly a decade of stop smoking research to help smokers and their families get into the non-smokers' league while spending little. The company employs tried and true smoking cessation techniques to ensure permanent recovery for its customers.


Tags: new year, resolution, Stop smoking

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Iyabo Oyawale
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