3 HTi Teams Up with Stratasys 3D Printers

3 HTi teams up with Stratasys to bring Professional Grade Desktop 3D Printers to their customers and manufacturing businesses of all sizes.

3 HTi is excited to announce a new partnership with Stratasys in representing the Idea Series line of 3D printers.

The Idea Series printers are a line of professional desktop 3D printers that utilize Stratasys' patented fused deposition modeling process. This starts with proprietary Stratasys software, mathematically slicing and orienting an STL file for the build process. ABS plastic is liquefied and deposited layer-by-layer following a tool path defined by the CAD file. Support structures are automatically generated as the materials are deposited in extremely thin layers and the part is built from the bottom, up. The Stratasys FDM process allows multiple colors to be used in one part and yields durable models, which can be tested for form fit and function.

Since 3D printing's inception, system reliability and model quality have increased, resulting in diverse applications. At the same time, prices have decreased so that some systems are affordable for small businesses.

"As a trusted resource, this adds to the breadth of capabilities that 3 HTi provides to its customers in Discrete Manufacturing," said Garry Hoffman, 3 HTi's VP of Sales. Hoffman continued, "Stratasys is the main leader in this industry and they show no signs of slowing down. We have had an impressive response from our customer base and are excited about putting rapid prototyping capabilities right on their desktops

About 3 HTi - 3 HTi is in the business of improving companies competitiveness related to product life cycles by providing end to end technology solutions and the highest level of value added expertise to allow them to develop and manufacture products better, faster and more cost effectively, ultimately improving their profitability. Our solutions encompass both personal productivity and enterprise management of the complete end to end process for any company that is involved in the design, analysis, prototyping, production manufacturing and servicing of discretely manufactured products.

Stratasys Ltd. (Nasdaq:SSYS), headquartered in Minneapolis, Minn. and Rehovot, Israel, is a leading global provider of 3D printing and additive manufacturing solutions. The company's patented FDM,® PolyJet,TM and WDM™ 3D Printing technologies produce prototypes and manufactured goods directly from 3D CAD files or other 3D content. Systems include 3D printers for idea development, prototyping and direct digital manufacturing. Stratasys subsidiaries include MakerBot and Solidscape, and the company operates the RedEye digital-manufacturing service. Stratasys has more than 1800 employees, holds over 550 granted or pending additive manufacturing patents globally, and has received more than 25 awards for its technology and leadership. Online: www.stratasys.com or http://blog.stratasys.com.


Tags: 3d printing, Manufacturing, rapid prototyping

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Garry Hoffman
Press Contact, 3 HTi, LLC
3 HTi, LLC
3000 Atrium Way
United States