360° Student Travel Is The First To Offer College Credit On Its Community Service Itineraries Around The World

360° Student Travel announced today that it is the first travel program to offer optional college credit on all of its community service programs that are 18 days or longer.

360° Student Travel announced today that it is the first travel program to offer optional college credit on all of its community service programs that are 18 days or longer.

The Exploration in Service Learning course connects students' hands-on service experiences with academic reflection integral to the interdisciplinary practice of service-learning. College credit is conferred through the University of Southern Mississippi and is transferable to many colleges and universities.

Community Service Director Mitch Lerner notes, "We are so delighted with the university's approval and recognition of our program content. The community service on all of our programs is extremely rewarding. The Exploration in Service Learning course will further enhance the experience for our student travelers."

The course enables students to combine their participation in a structured service project with readings and reflections appropriate to developing an understanding of:
1) the nature of their service and what they learn from that experience,
2) their connections to the community they are serving and how their service benefits the community, and
3) the value of field experience and hands-on opportunities in the learning process.

The Exploration in Service Learning course is available on community service itineraries in Alaska, Africa (Botswana, South Africa & Zambia), California, Costa Rica, Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands and Hawaii.

About the Company

360° Student Travel by Westcoast Connection is in its 29th summer offering students the opportunity to travel, volunteer, improve their foreign language skills or get a taste of college life.

Regardless of the program style, all of the itineraries are created with the understanding that no matter what travelers want to accomplish during the summer, the challenges and experiences should be enjoyable as well as rewarding.

Students on Community Service programs make a difference and discover the world at the same time: zip line in Costa Rica, explore a glacier in Alaska, marvel at the "Big 5" in Africa, or swim with sea lions in the Galapagos Islands. These are perfect summer programs for open-minded travelers interested in achieving their goals, volunteering, and helping others.


Ira Solomon
[email protected]
westcoastconnection.com | 360studenttravel.com


Tags: community-service, Summer Programs, Teen Tours

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Ira Solomon
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