365WeddingFayres on Facebook Revolutionizes Getting Hitched

365WeddingFayres bring the local wedding fayre right into Facebook and make it available to the brides and their families 24 hours a day, 365 days a year right in their living rooms - with some great additions.

The number and quality of Wedding Fayres have exploded over the last few years helping busy Brides and their families complete the huge logistical challenge involved in mounting a wedding and reception - while actually enjoying the process as well as the big day.

Facebook has almost overnight become an integral part of the process of getting married for most brides and their betrothed. From the exciting ritual of changing status from IN-A-RELATIONSHIP to ENGAGED to the excited chatter with friends and family near and far, sharing all the stories and making plans.

It's not just brides either - it's also their brothers, mothers, grandparents and other friends and family members around the world involved in the conversation. With 70% of the UK online population active on Facebook and similar figures around the western world it's broken it's original mould and is increasingly as prevalent among the 'silver-surfers' as the younger generation where it first went viral.

Social media has transformed word-of-mouth making it a powerful force and our research shows that consumers engaged through social media such as Facebook and Twitter are far more likely to both buy and recommend products and services.

365WeddingFayres bring the local wedding fayre right into Facebook and make it available to the brides and their families 24 hours a day, 365 days a year right in their living rooms - with some great additions. People are comfortable in Facebook and spend on average 55 minutes each time they visit so it's a comfortable environment to share with family and friends and discuss and make plans - across the coffee table or across a continent almost as easily. Facebook now has all the sharing and chat features to make this natural and simple.

"People are increasingly busy and the run up to a wedding even more so. We saw the opportunity to enable the wedding industry be more available and able to offer a better service to the brides to be. Local fayres gather all the suppliers together in one place for just one day - we can do it continuously and be there for the bride and her family 24 x 7 when she needs inspiration, information or to make a decision while she has the right person with her" said Barry James, CEO of AngelRevolutions, who conceived the 365 service.

Each 365WeddingFayre is local, based around a popular local wedding venue and populated with quality local suppliers available to provide all the services needed from cakes and cars to couture and photography. Together they offer not just inspiration and their service but a rolling stream of offers and ideas. Not intended to remove the need for a local physical fayre but to augment and support the best of them.

AngelRevolutions have partnered with a growing team of experienced wedding services professionals working together to spread 365Fayres across the region, the UK and beyond.

Jacqui Saxon of Ultimate Balloons and co-founder of Ultimate Brides one of the biggest UK Fayres was the first "I saw the potential of this straight away and the enthusiasm of the professionals has been even greater than I expected. I think this is because not only does it massively extend our reach and the service we can offer brides but it makes our job easier and more efficient too. For example Christmas is a very romantic time of the year when engagements often happening and families also gathering and using the opportunity to make plans and decisions together. "

The first 365WeddingFayre is launching from 1st November in North Chesterfield based at the Ringwood Hall Hotel to be quickly followed by another major Sheffield venue to be announced shortly. Brides and their families can see more at Facebook.com/365WeddingFayres where there's also more on how to exhibit.


The 365WeddingFayre at Ringwood Hall Hotel can now be see at

Barry James CEO of AngelRevolutions is available for interview -
Please call 07530 438932

[email protected]
0844 8844 943


Tags: 365weddingfayres, brides, weddings

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