3D Technology, Film Production, & Digital Distribution Offers Accredited Angel Investors, Financial Advisors, Fund Of Funds, & Venture Capital A Premiere Investment Opportunity

While Hollywood, Wall Street, & Silicon Valley has always offered various investment opportunities for high net worth angel investors, venture capital, family offices, and institutional investors in their separate industries

While Hollywood, Wall Street, & Silicon Valley has always offered various investment opportunities for high net worth angel investors, venture capital, family offices, and institutional investors in their separate industries, rarely has there been an intertwining of the three as alternative investment to investor that normally don't have access to ground floor private investment opportunities.

One Chicago company, however, has put in motion a unique and risk minimized strategy that offers both the smaller retail accredited investor as well as larger institutions a level playing field to participate in all 3 industries at the same time.

Noci Pictures Entertainment has a innovative business model that combines risk minimized film finance, production, guaranteed distribution, as well as the utilization of 3D technology in some of its film productions.

"Many investors want to get in on the ground floor of the next Facebook, Groupon, Myspace, Youtube, or other old boys network investment opportunity in internet plays, biotech, or even some top performing hedge funds" , states Yuri Rutman, managing partner of Noci Pictures Entertainment. "However, these deals are open to only a select few which leaves a lot of institutional and smaller retail capital on the sidelines to explore other investment opportunities that have a potential for a high reward. As a non-correlated asset class, film provides those kind of opportunities and is scalable for the small Angel Investor or the larger institutions".

With the growth of theaters, digital distribution, 3D cinema and technology, and video on demand, the company has an innovative business model that allows both conservative and aggressive investors to have an absolute ROI prior to revenues using U.S., Canadian, or foreign film tax credits or rebates that are monetized as cash and are put back into an investor's pockets before profits.

"I don't know of any business or industry that you can invest in today where you will know almost exactly what your rate of return will be prior to revenues without worrying that there is an underlying currency, stock price, real estate value, or other correlation that will wreak havoc on it", Rutman adds. "The film business is immune to economic factors and in down economies, box office receipts are generally up. People may not be buying steak dinners but they'll spend ten bucks on a film in a theater or video on demand".

Aside from its first film, "Mr. Id", the company recently executive produced the first 3D film to shoot in Jamaica, "9 Mile", a documentary about the story of Bob Marley's cousin. It is currently in pre-production on the $15 million 3D crime thriller, "Milwaukee", which is scheduled to be directed by David Ellis ("Snakes On A Plane", "The Final Destination", "Shark Night 3D", "Cellular").

"When you have $15,000 films like Paranormal Activity that gross $100 million dollars or small horror films that use initially unknown stars as the case with "Twilight", the scalability to investors in terms of investment and commercial product is never ending", states Rutman. "While our business model does call for star driven films, the recent Cannes film festival as well as the U.S. box office is showing that films can be made without stars, high production values, and varying degrees of exit strategies for $100,000 investors as well as $10 million dollar ones".


Tags: 3d, Chicago, finance, hedge funds, silicon valley, stocks, technology

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Alternative Investment Opportunities In Media & Entertainment For Accredited Investors & Institutional Private Equity Pursuing Superior Investment Opportunities

6421 N St Louis
Chicago, IL 60611