419legal.org Launches Internet Scam Directory

419legal now offers visitors a comprehensive overview of the most searched internet scams based on searches performed and inquiries made by visitors to the website. The purpose is to help visitors find information on potential scams and to allow user

"419legal.org, an internet community devoted entirely to informing visitors about 419 emails and other types of internet related fraud announces the launch of a comprehensive database of the most searched internet scams. 419legal.org will begin keep visitors up-to-date on the most frequently searched scams on the internet. The database is being updated on a monthly basis and provides a good jumping point into the forum so that visitors can interact and learn about potential online threats ranging from spyware to phishing scams. The website hosts an updated attorney directory with lawyers listed from all 50 states for visitors looking to get expert help dealing with internet scams or online fraud.

419legal provides a forum where users can post questions and discuss with others visitors the latest in internet scams, internet related fraud . The typical 419 scam starts with an e-mail which tempts the victim with a large payoff, but generally requires some type of processing fee or other costs for the large pay-off to obtained. For visitors to the site that are already involved in scam or find themselves in an uncomfortable situation 419legal suggests that its best to discuss it with the proper authorities as soon as possible. The forum is not moderated except for the removal of spam. Its main purpose is to provide an open platform for users to discuss online experiences ranging from job interviews to dating scams. The site lets users keep up to date on the latest in the anti-scam community and is valuable resource for those needing and looking for an active support network.

419legal.org also posts the latest variations of 419 emails that are sent to us by visitors in the scam letter archive section of the forum. Due to the number of fraudulent emails, faxes and sometimes postal letters, received around the world, it is necessary to make the general public aware of the problem so that they do not become victims of a possible scam. The archiving of these emails will be handled by several volunteers who have been trained and are committed to helping inform the public about potentially fraudulent schemes on the internet. In addition pictures of fraudulent checks and documents as The purpose of listing scam letters in our archives is to assist Internet users from around the world, who conduct search engine searches on scam letters so that they can better access the true nature of these letters."


Tags: 419, 419 scam, 419 scam baiters, 419 spam, Dating Scam, email scam, fraud, hoax, lottery scam, nigerian scam, nigerian scam letter, russian scam, scam directory, scams

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