5-Day Kundalini Intensive For More Prosperity, More Happiness, More Love, More Confidence

Encinitas, CA, March 26, 2015 (Newswire.com) - 50 Hour Kundalini Intensive, May 21st-25th, 8am to 7pm, $850, sign up by April 9th and save $100, The Soul of Yoga, 627 Encinitas Boulevard, Encinitas, CA, 760-943-7685. Enroll Now
Participants will gain more juice out of life.
The Soul of Yoga Institute teacher training absolutely transformed me on many levels. I came into it desperately needing clarity and healing in my life, and came out of it with a deeply renewed faith in myself and a solid sense of inner strength. This training is beyond learning to become a yoga teacher—it is about getting into the heart, truly healing and reconnecting with our Divine Essence, and learning to lead a life of love and devotion.
Previous Kundalini Student, Student took this course and decided to go on to the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training
Want More Prosperity? Want More Happiness? Want More Love? Want More Confidence? This 5 day intensive is the ticket to all of these and more.
To accomplish all this (and more)–People will need more energy
The Kundalini 5-Day Intensive will turn participants attention inward to an expansive, never ending, always expanding energy called the “Soul”. It provides the tools to connect and utilize this supreme force of energy for well being, and the well being of everyone around.
It gives everyone access to more than enough energy to help to create a life of Abundance…as each individual participant defines abundance. A life Yogi Bhajan referred to as Happy, Health and Holy.
Ready for MORE Life ? The 5 Day Intensive delivers…
~Success of the Spirit—Re-Discover the creative juices
~More than enough energy to achieve everyone's deepest desires
~Happiness–befriend the Soul and then befriend humanity
~Sleep through the night and wake up smiling in the morning
Participants will remember who they really are and Re-Claim their birthright to Happiness…through Kundalini Yoga.
SUPER BONUS– once this 5-Day Intensive has been taken, participants can take it again and again….FOR FREE!
Tags: Confidence, Energy, Happy, Healing, Humanity, Kundalini, Love, Prosperity, Soul of Yoga, Yoga