5 Valuable New Articles With Tips on Digital Photography From SmokinPhoto.com

SmokinPhoto.com digital photography forum announces the release of 5 new photography articles, each one providing practical advice for novices and more advanced photographers.

SmokinPhoto is free resource available to all photographers, from beginners wondering which camera to buy, all the way to advanced amateurs and professionals seeking to improve their skills and learn new techniques in photography in general and digital photography in particular. The site includes a comprehensive library of digital (and some film) photography articles exclusive to SmokinPhoto, written by a team of professional photographers and writers. In addition, the site features a photo gallery, camera reviews, directory and of course a photography forum where you can ask and get answers to all the photography related questions
you might have and engage in productive discussions with other photographers who are willing to share their knowledge and experience. You can also help others learn by sharing your own hard won digital photography know how.

This week's 5 new photography tip articles are:

1. Rule of Thirds in Digital Photography: This article shows you how
to improve your composition using the rule of thirds and how the rule of thirds applies to digital photography just as it does to film photography, painting, graphic design and other art forms. This article also discusses the do's and don'ts when following the rules of thirds.

2. 10 Tips for Composition to Improve your Digital Photography: 10
valuable tips to get those better shots. Here the beginning photographer will walk away with a better mental blueprint on how to compose a magical photo without fear of breaking some unknown "rule"! These are tips from an experienced pro photographer, not some theoretical repeat of trite rules (many of which can and should be broken).

3. Exposure - Bracketing: This article takes you into the world of
bracketing and auto bracketing and how this tool can assist you in your photography. Some people think that with digital photography and photo editing in Photoshop etc., exposure does not have to be accurate as you can always "fix it later". This is not true. The more fixing you do, the more quality you lose. This article will help you get better exposures to start off with which will result in far better prints.

4. Landscape Photography Back to Basics: Whether you are a beginner or advanced photographer, photographing a majestic landscape has a few golden rules you must follow in order to capture it. This article takes you through a few of those golden rules. They can make all the difference between accurately capturing the beautiful landscape you see before you and
missing completely.

5. Top Ten Digital Camera Filters: This article is a must read for all digital photographers. Here the top ten digital camera filters are discussed and examples shown of how these filters work in practice. Filters are an important tool in the photographer's quest to convey an image in a particular way and help you express yourself creatively.

Photography for many is more than a hobby. SmokinPhoto.com takes pride in providing all the tools and resources for photographers at all levels of the familiarity and expertise with the subject. Click on the links above to go to these five articles, and spend some time reading the material on the website. You might get addicted!


Tags: digital camera filters, digital photography, Landscape Photography, photography, rule of thirds

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