$5B / Year in Medicare & Medicaid Cost Savings for the Next 15 Years, Using Non-medication Preventive Wellness™ (AFFECTS)

Texas entrepreneur and a Healthcare and Wellness innovator estimates that his new non-medication and proprietary system of Preventive Wellness™ services can save up to $5B per year for the Medicare and Medicaid programs.

Ray Ashton, a Texas entrepreneur and a Healthcare and Wellness innovator, estimates that his non-medication and proprietary system of Preventive Wellness™services can save up to $5B per year for the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Mr. Ashton is certain that his Preventive Wellness™ platform and its services would not only save more than $60B for Medicare and Medicaid within 15 years but would also increase longevity and Quality of Life for seniors. Additionally, Preventive Wellness™ servicers are designed to reduce operational costs, create new revenue, and help differentiate Healthcare providers.

"Today's seniors, especially baby-boomers, are nothing like the previous generations. Unless absolutely necessary, you won't be seeing too many baby-boomers walking around with a bagful of pills. They are into a health state of mind, not that of sickness," said Mr. Ashton.

Utilizing his Renewed Memory™, a part of the cognitive rehabilitation methods within the STAR-10R ™ interactive prevention system, his goal revolves around addressing the symptoms associated with Early Stage Dementia. However, with respect to PTSD, he believes the current systems (though helpful) are inadequate at best.

With Ashton's innovative "dynamic" system of assessment, SEAD™, he first helps eliminate most errors typical in current cognitive assessment tools and then he assesses individuals in the most comprehensive way practical. In other words, SEAD ™ may be followed by STAR-10R™ and PTAR-10S™, serving those with Early Stage Dementia and PTSD respectively.

These three services would not only reduce the cost of care considerably, but would also be an excellent service or community differentiation with new sources of revenue for Healthcare stake-holders and providers. All Preventive Wellness™ services including STAR-10R™, SEAD™ and PTAR-10S™ are 100% non-medication, with no side-effects whatsoever. These services would complement or replace other Dementia and PTSD services and replace the traditional static cognitive assessment tools, available today.

Coming from outside of the medical establishment more than 25 years ago, Ashton quietly innovated two highly revolutionary Healthcare and Wellness principles, namely Renewed Emotional Intelligence™ and Reverse Paradigm™. These new principles address many Healthcare issues including cognitive enhancement and memory rejuvenation. Especially as it relates to cognitive impairment, these principles challenge the basis of the current Healthcare system of "cause & effect". Mr. Ashton believes if Healthcare professionals are taught more about non-medication prevention, this nation won't be in such a dire Healthcare financial crisis.

"Why do we have to wait to treat, hence costing 1000's of dollars per senior per month, when we can prevent most of the anticipated symptoms with only 100's of dollars, utilizing Preventive Wellness™ non-medication methods?", asks Ashton.

In his approach, philosophy, and methods, Mr. Ashton is supported by his colleague Dr. Bresky.

Arnold Bresky, M.D., a Preventive Gerontologist in the Field of Behavioral Neurology, is a well-known expert in the fields of delayed PTSD, Dementia, and Alzheimer's, besides serving as a Board Member for AFFECTS LLC. Dr. Bresky founded his first cognitive fitness training and rehabilitation program in California in 1997. He lectures on the importance of brain care through essential nutrition and exercise, with special emphasis on "neuro-stimulating" mental exercises he calls "brain tune-ups". He actively aids Korean and Vietnam veterans with delayed PTSD through "cognitive rehabilitation" and with comfort kindness such as blankets for those service members living on the streets.

"As both a son and a consumer, I knew there must be a better way to address the growing needs of veterans and mature individuals like my mother that increases the quality of their lives", said Bresky.

Ashton and Bresky found themselves increasingly disenchanted, observing a culture of over-medication instead of cognitive rehabilitation. The elderly population has also been over-medicated sometimes for "control" purposes rather than an actual treatment, being medicated under the auspices of "comfort care", sometimes without regard to the adverse side-effects of a single drug or of multi-drug interaction. When Ashton's own grandmother died young due drug interactions, he was compelled to found Preventive Wellness™.

"Our team is proud to deliver outstanding systems to improve your residents' lives. We invite other Healthcare and Wellness professionals to join us and work with us to improve the health of the nation, hence saving many Billions in government subsidies and increasing profitability for the private sector," Ashton said.

For more information or interest in the company and its services, please contact AFFECTS LLC directly and visit their website at: www.affects.biz (best viewed with Explorer or Safari) with special attention to the MEDIA page and its national interview samples.


Tags: Early Stage Dementia, HHS, Medicare, Preventive Wellness, PTSD, Ray Ashton, Veteran

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Ray Ashton
Press Contact, Preventive Wellness™ (AFFECTS LLC)
Preventive Wellness™ (AFFECTS LLC)
Dallas, TX 75201
United States