7 Ultra Cheap Superfoods that Boost Nutrition

If people only knew that there are cheap superfoods that can help to keep them away from sicknesses, they could have saved much. This is a problem that nutitiongang.com is trying to eliminate.

Health and wealth are closely associated with each other and any person realize this when he gets sick. Health is worth a fortune and anybody whose health is faltering is willing to pay that price.

Maintaining good health is just as good as saving a fortune because it keeps a person free from unnecessary expenses. It involves lots of exercise, a healthy lifestyle, sufficient rest and sleep, freedom from stress and eating the fight kinds of foods.

Many people think that it takes lots of money to maintain good health. Well, it could be true if the person has little knowledge of the nutritional values of foods. But there are actually common, cheap foods that people can eat everyday to boost their health without busting their pockets.

Here's a list of seven ultra cheap superfoods that people see everyday without knowing that these are very good for the health:

1. Oats

Oats is a superfood, yet people tend to ignore it because it is very common. It is rich in iron, manganese, zinc and fiber and it works to lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels. A low cholesterol level can translate to reduced risk of heart diseases and diabetes.

2. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes is are cheap and plentiful especially in the tropical countries, but their nutritional value can't be underestimated. These root crops are rich in potassium, manganese, vitamin C and beta-carotene - a potent antioxidant that helps to lower a person's risk from cancer and heart diseases.

3. Sardines

Most people often ignore the importance of sardines because they are cheap and abundant anywhere. But contrary to what many people think, sardines are superfoods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These are essential substances that play a major role in keeping the health, youth and nutrition of a person's heart, skin and brain. Aside from its omega-3 content, sardines are also rich in protein, calcium, vitamin D and vitamin B12 to keep a person healthy, strong and energetic.

4. Blackcurrants

Blackcurrants are a newcomer in the list of superfoods. According to research, blackcurrants contain greater amounts of antioxidants than strawberries, blueberries and blackberries. One of its known health benefits is its ability to protect a person from a number of diseases including cancer, dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

5. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are probably the cheapest and the most common superfood available in the market today. But its price simply cannot tell what it can do for a person's health. Those red tomatoes are loaded with lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps to control bad cholesterol levels, boost the immune system and protect people from heart disease and the harmful effects of free radicals to the cells.

6. Green Tea

For half the price, green tea can be a good substitute to acai berry juice. Green tea is very popular in eastern countries for centuries, and people drink it because it has plenty of benefits including cleansing, anti-aging, strengthening of the immune system, cancer prevention and improvement of the metabolic process.

7. Beetroot

Beetroot is a very affordable root crop, but it is vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, and B9 (folate), and vitamin C. It is also high in iron content which makes it effective in preventing anemia. It is also high in choline which is a powerful agent in detoxifying the liver and the entire system from alcohol abuse.

These are just some of the cheap superfoods that are very common. They look so ordinary yet they contain properties that can help people live healthy lives.


Tags: antioxidants, diet, diet foods, dietary supplements, digestion problems, Digestive Enzymes, gaps diet, Health, health foods, health supplements, healthy diets, healthy eating, healthy food, natural supplements, Nutrition, nutritional supplements, paleo diet, probiotics, scd diet, Superfoods, supplements, vitamins, weight loss

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