7th Annual Big Brothers Big Sisters Clay Shoot - Friday, August 17th At Elm Fork Shooting Park In Dallas, Texas

Often called "golf with a shotgun" or "a video game for adults," sporting clays simulate live targets in a natural setting. This event is for straight shooters and novices of all skill levels who enjoy the fast pace of shooting sporting clays

Men, women and children across Dallas are invited to the 7th Annual Big Brothers Big Sisters Clay Shoot on Friday, August 17, 2012 at Elm Fork Shooting Park in Dallas. Proceeds from this event benefit the Big Brothers Big Sisters Bigs Outdoors Program, which provides outdoor mentoring activities to matched and unmatched children in the program. Whether fishing, camping, hiking or shooting, these adventures open up doors of opportunity to children who would not typically have the chance to spend time in the great outdoors.

Often called "golf with a shotgun" or "a video game for adults," sporting clays simulate live targets in a natural setting. This event is for straight shooters and novices of all skill levels who enjoy the fast pace of shooting sporting clays.

Check in for this event begins at 7:00 a.m., with the competition starting at 8:30a.m. An awards ceremony and live auction will immediately follow the shoot. All participants receive breakfast, lunch, beverages, gifts and a chance to win door prizes and shooting prizes.

Title Sponsor of the Dallas Big Brothers Big Sisters Clay Shoot is AMX Companies. Additional sponsors include Rent-A-Center, Team Enterprise, Phillips May Corporation, Orix Foundation, Fastsigns, ARC Abatement and E-Logic, Inc.

To register and for more information, please visit bigclayshoot.com or call 817-905-4653.

Big Brothers Big Sisters is a donor-supported volunteer organization that places caring adults in the lives of children in one-to-one mentoring relationships. Through the positive impact of those friendships, children with a Big Brother or Big Sister are more likely to graduate from high school and are less likely to begin using drugs, begin using alcohol or engage in negative conflict. For more information, contact 888.887.BIGS or www.bbbstx.org.


Tags: Big Brothers Big Sisters, clay shooting, Elm Fort Shooting Park, mentoring, outdoors

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Elizabeth Peichel
Press Contact, Big Brothers Big Sisters
Big Brothers Big Sisters
450 E John Carpenter Freeway
Irving, TX 75062
United States