8 Pillars and CoreCentive Partner to Assist Companies in Offering Financial Education For Employees

Partnership means financially stressed employees will have access to leading financial wellness program

CoreCentive, a leader in the Human Capital Management industry, and 8 Pillars, which assists in helping individuals, families, and organizations achieve financial greatness, have partnered to assist companies in offering a Best in Class financial education and training platform for their employees.

8 Pillars Financial Educations will break the trend and deliver an educational, enjoyable, and refreshing platform for anyone who wants to get serious about money.

Financial issues are the #1 cause of workplace stress. The Cambridge Human Resource Group states that a lack of financial education for workers is "the most unaddressed workplace issue." As CHRG reports, regardless of income, 70% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. The average employee spends 28 hours each month worried about, calculating, or stressed over finances, costing employers $5,000 a year in lost productivity, reports the Federal Reserve.

The Solution
Financial Education is the solution. According to WorldatWork, "right after employees, employers are perhaps the greatest beneficiaries of workplace financial education." The Journal of Employee Assistance adds, "understand that your health insurance providers, EAP team members and financial advisors (such as retirement plan administrators) do not have the specific expertise and skills to help financially stressed employees resolve the many issues influencing their ability to function at work."

CoreCentive, thru this partnership with 8 Pillars, is a leading experts in implementation, communication, and measurement of financial education programs at work.

The 8 Pillars Platform is designed to assist employees in achieving Financial Greatness. Practicing these timeless and proven principles will improve an employee's financial wellness score and engage employees in programs that promote a better financial future.

Brian Nelson Ford, CEO 8 Pillars Financial Education: "We chose to partner with CoreCentive because of their passionate belief in Human Capital and Employee Engagement. Their values and insights in the way employees behave in the corporate workplace are key."

Steve Walter, CEO CoreCentive: "We are excited to bring the 8 Pillars of Financial Education to the marketplace and our customers. Offering a best in class Financial Education platform ties into our strategy of providing the marketplace and our customers with a comprehensive Human Capital Management approach. Assisting employees to gain the knowledge and take control of their money will increase productivity, drive engagement and an employee's happiness factor."

About 8 Pillars LLC
"True Financial Greatness is more than outward prosperity and has less to do with dollar signs and zeroes than it does with how much money affects your life and your relationships." Brian Nelson Ford
8 Pillars Founder and President

At 8 Pillars we help individuals, families, and organizations reach Financial Greatness. We care about our customers and want them to succeed financially.

We teach and inform our customers clearly and with no ulterior motives. We do not seek to educate customers in hopes they will buy an insurance or investment product. Quality financial education is our product. Our company aims to help each customer learn and implement time-tested financial principles so that they can get on with living a fantastic life.


Tags: brand merchandise, company incentive program, corporate gifts, Employee Incentives, employee recognition, employee rewards, human capital, workforce m

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Marcus Ippolito
Press Contact, CoreCentive
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