800 Numbers from Freedom800.com Build Trust and Credibility for Businesses

Offering simple, effective solutions for businesses, Freedom800.com helps ideally position a business and appear larger and more established to clients by providing for them toll free numbers.

Small businesses, especially those with home offices, find it difficult to appear credible if they use personal and mobile phones as primary point of contact. Since a phone number often provides a first impression, having a polished phone image is crucial in appearing more professional and established to potential customers.

The use of a virtual toll free number is increasingly becoming a trend among businesses all over the world. Toll free numbers help project a professional image to would-be callers at all times. In addition, they enable business owners to stay connected while on the go, anywhere they are.

It is also widely recognized that 800 numbers add a layer of security for businesses, while allowing business owners to stay focused by screening and managing their calls. The call reporting feature of 800 numbers provides insight to call activity, which paves the way for a smooth management of business communications from anywhere, anytime.

Freedom800.com is in the business of selling toll free numbers to businesses. Owned and operated by Telecentrex Communications, a privately-held marketing company specializing in innovative cloud-based telecommunications services, the company offers virtual toll free service offered, powered by FreedomVoice Systems, a high tech telecommunications innovator headquartered in Encinitas, California.

Helping businesses build credibility, Freedom800.com gives businesses the ability to project an established, professional image, expand their reach and simplify their communications infrastructure. The company is trusted by leading businesses such as the San Diego Zoo, Microsoft, Time Warner and Prada.

"I really appreciate how easy you've made it to get set up," a representative from Di Dial enthuses about Freedom800.com's services.

At Freedom800.com, clients can configure their toll free number to work as they need it. Each Freedom800 plan can be configured in multiple ways: callers to a toll free number can go directly to voicemail, be forwarded directly to another number or numbers, or be answered automatically.

With a wide array of advanced features, Freedom800.com is able to deliver the image, productivity, and professionalism of a Fortune 500 corporate telecommunications system at a price that smaller players can afford.

Entrepreneurs seeking to take their reputation among clients a notch higher should visit http://www.freedom800.com/ and learn how crucial it is to start with using toll free numbers.


Tags: 800 numbers, 800 numbers for business, 800 phone service, Toll Free Numbers

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