A Basic Outline of the Character Races and Classes of Tera Online.

Tera Online Guide lists down the necessary information of Tera Online. Character customization and crafting is also included in their review.

Patiently waiting for its European and US release this coming May 2012, fans' expectations has been steadily rising since seeing a glimpse of Tera Online on its Korea-only release last January 2011. Promising a visual world of rich backdrops and stunning character details, Tera Online guarantees an experience different from other traditional MMORPG games. Instead of randomly aiming at a general direction of a target, you will have to focus your aim at a specific body part for a higher damage. If not done properly, you will miss your target. Aside from the player versus player gameplay, the world is devoid of factions and everyone can either choose to form an alliance with others or go on solo quests.

With Tera Online Guide, you will be given the basic information regarding all things Tera. First off, you will need to choose from a selection of seven Tera races(http://www.teraonlineguide.net/tera-races) which are the Aman, Baraka, Castanic, Elin, High Elf, Human and Popori. Each race has its own capabilities as well as unique ancestral backgrounds. Because of their previous experience as slaves, the Amani are slow to trust and values freedom above all else. The Barakas came from the lineage of giants but detest violence and puts importance on knowledge instead. Adept at negotiating, Castanics are not only famous as merchants but also as artisans and crafters. Possessing a deep bond with nature, Elins are more at home in water. The High Elves have the ability to regenerate their mana whenever it is low. One useful trait of a Human is the ability to heal fully when resurrected. The Poporis are non-human beasts and like the Elins, are also at home in water.

When going into battle, your character will be dressed up in armor depending on the type of Tera Class(http://www.teraclasses.net) you've picked. There are robes for the Tera Sorcerer, Tera Priest, and Tera Mystic to allow free movement. Light armor for the Tera Archer, Tera Warrior, and Tera Slayer which consists of leather gloves and boots. The Tera Berserker and Tera Lancer wear heavy armor of plate mail to give them protection in front of the battle line. To acquire the right combination of weaponry and armor, you need to be able to learn the ability to craft. However, it may take some time to craft an item as it needs you to look for a specific material found after completing a quest or from buying it a shop.

Tera Online Guide also offers knowledge on the customization of your character. Be able to select the right equipment for a specific type of mission to ensure survival. Plus, learn the basic combat gameplay of your character and master the skills made available to you. Learn more about Tera comba gameplay at http://www.teraonlineguide.net/tera-guide/e3-tera-online-basic-combat-gameplay/


Tags: tera archer, tera berserker, tera classes, tera lancer, tera mystic, tera online, tera online g, tera priest, tera slayer, tera sorcerer, tera warrior

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