A blog, a tree - Ecology project by ITSTH and I plant a tree
Online, March 24, 2010 (Newswire.com) - Even blogs consume energy and thus contribute to environmental problems. To change this, the software computer ITSTH and the NGO "I plant a tree" have started the project "a blog, a tree". The aim of this project is to plant a tree for each blog that is taking part and thus help the environment.
The project is financed by the software company ITSTH, manufacturer of Outlook- and synchronization software. This makes it very easy for blogs to take part and have a tree planted. After just doing a posting and choose a tree / button for the blog, the blogger only has to notify ITSTH. Everything else (financing, administration and planting) is then done by ITSTH and I plant a tree. Participants can choose their favorite tree from pines, oaks, robinia and beech trees..
Bloggers can find more information about how to take part at http://www.easy2sync.com/en/ueber/ablogatree.php
ITSTH offers software for the synchronization of files and Outlook as well as programs for searching and removing duplicates in the file system and in Outlook and a program for the use of boilerplate texts in Outlook. More info at www.easy2sync.de
I plant a tree is a non-profit organization to protection and proliferation of global forests. More info at www.iplantatree.org
IT-Services Thomas Holz, Schuetzenstraße 8, Dormagen, Germany, http://www.itsth.com
Tags: blogging, blogs, CO2, eco, trees