A blog, a tree - Ecology project by ITSTH and I plant a tree

In this new project by ITSTH and I plant a tree, a tree is planted for each blog that takes part in the project.

Even blogs consume energy and thus contribute to environmental problems. To change this, the software computer ITSTH and the NGO "I plant a tree" have started the project "a blog, a tree". The aim of this project is to plant a tree for each blog that is taking part and thus help the environment.

The project is financed by the software company ITSTH, manufacturer of Outlook- and synchronization software. This makes it very easy for blogs to take part and have a tree planted. After just doing a posting and choose a tree / button for the blog, the blogger only has to notify ITSTH. Everything else (financing, administration and planting) is then done by ITSTH and I plant a tree. Participants can choose their favorite tree from pines, oaks, robinia and beech trees..

Bloggers can find more information about how to take part at http://www.easy2sync.com/en/ueber/ablogatree.php

ITSTH offers software for the synchronization of files and Outlook as well as programs for searching and removing duplicates in the file system and in Outlook and a program for the use of boilerplate texts in Outlook. More info at www.easy2sync.de

I plant a tree is a non-profit organization to protection and proliferation of global forests. More info at www.iplantatree.org

IT-Services Thomas Holz, Schuetzenstraße 8, Dormagen, Germany, http://www.itsth.com


Tags: blogging, blogs, CO2, eco, trees


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