A Brief Explanation Of Singapore Nominee Services By Rikvin

Rikvin provides a full spectrum of corporate services under one roof for Singapore company incorporation, accounting, tax, Rikvin provides a full spectrum of corporate services under one roof for Singapore company incorporation, accounting, tax, work

Rikvin offers three nominee services to help foreign companies and investors meet the eligibility requirements of certain individuals necessary to establish a company. These nominee services are for director, shareholder, and agent.

Both the nominee director and nominee shareholder are applicable for a private limited company and subsidiary office. In a private limited company, there ought to be a resident director and a shareholder.

A resident director is the head of the company. Among his eligibility requirements are being at least 21 years old, not bankrupt, not guilty of any malpractices, and of ordinary residence. Being an ordinary resident means having Singaporean citizenship or permanent residence. Being a foreign national can have ordinary residence by holding work visas either an Employment pass or Entrepreneur pass.

The laws in Singapore say that only registered companies can apply for work visas for their foreign employees. Except for the Entrepreneur pass, if you apply for an Employment pass, you have to wait until the company is registered. In this case, there is an issue on who should be the resident director of your company during its registration. This is how the nominee director service comes beneficial.

The nominee director supplies the missing requirement in a private limited company or subsidiary office. Temporarily, it helps companies and investors have a resident director and proceed with the incorporation. After the incorporation, we process the Employment pass and transfer the directorship. If you prefer not to relocate to Singapore however, you can engage the nominee director service for a long-term. To allow you entry into Singapore, we will process your Multiple Journey Business Visa.

Meanwhile, the nominee shareholder provides anonymity for someone who holds shares in a private limited company. Some documents of the company are also available for public records. If you wish to maintain anonymity, you can request for a nominee shareholder to hold shares of stocks for you in trust. There will be a Memorandum of Agreement and other legal documents for your protection.

Finally, a nominee agent works in the same way as does a nominee director, but for a branch office. Based on the laws in Singapore, a branch office shall appoint at least two individuals to become agents of the office and help in its administration. The nominee agent supplies that requirement during registration. It ends as soon as the work visas are applied and released.

About the Publisher:
Rikvin has successfully helped foreign and local entrepreneurs form a Singapore company. The company provides complete corporate solutions to investors and entrepreneurs both local and abroad. Among its specializations are Singapore company registration and providing professional services relating to financing and compliance services.

Rikvin assures its clients of confidence in dealing with every transaction. Its employees maintain competence and above all, Rikvin's principles adhere to business ethics and all applicable laws. Its goal is to provide a highly personalized and professional service worthy of our clients loyalty.

"Our phones are answered during business hours by specialists and not by an answering machine. We appreciate the value of your time and understand that a person cannot be replaced by technology. This is especially true when it comes to making important business decisions."

For more information, visit:
Rikvin PTE LTD
20 Cecil Street, #14-01, Equity Plaza, Singapore 049705
Main Lines : (65) 6438 8887
Fax : (65) 6438 2436
Email : info@rikvin.com
Website: http://www.rikvin.com/


Tags: company registration, company registration services, Income tax Singapore, ipa singapore, Singapo, singapore company, Singapore company incorporation, singapore company registration, Singapore company setup, Singapore Employment Pass, Singapore Representative Office

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20 Cecil Street, #14-01, Equity Plaza, Singapore
Afton, MI 049705