A Chiropractor Patients Count on for Recovery

Tyler-area residents trust Dr. Cornejo to nurse them back to health following auto accidents

Chronic pain in the neck, back, or extremities isn't something people have to live with. Victims of these conditions and others caused by auto-injury accidents also aren't at the mercy of prescribed painkillers, which only mask the pain instead of treating the problem. Dr. Luis Cornejo at Cornejo Chiropractic in Tyler is the remedy that patients need in healing from motor vehicular injuries.

Not only does he offer state-of-the-art chiropractic care, but his staff work with new patients to reduce stress surrounding the complicated and lengthy claims process.

Studies reveal that, in general, many individuals involved in motor vehicle accidents are symptomatic for several months and even years following a crash. In addition, most experts have found that 10 percent of all accident victims become disabled.

Whether you filed a personal injury lawsuit or a claim with your insurance company, did both or neither, Cornejo Chiropractic helps patients with the paperwork necessary for injury and disability claims.

"We believe in gently removing the source of the pain caused by auto-injury accidents by getting to the root of the problem," said Dr. Cornejo.

Patients who've just survived an auto accident injury are often vulnerable and sometimes desperate for help.

"We understand you need the gentlest forms of care and compassion during this time," he said.

Cornejo Chiropractic provides services that focus on neck and back pain such as whiplash, spinal cord injuries, backaches, headaches and more using state-of-the-art techniques as preventative medicine and by customizing a treatment plan for individual needs.

If patients lack medical insurance to pay for the services, Cornejo Chiropractic offers flexible payment programs so they can continue to get the care they need to get better.

"Our providers and agents will always help you to make the best decisions for you, providing only the highest standard of care," said Dr. Cornejo.

Cornejo Chiropractic in Tyler, Texas, provides a comprehensive range of chiropractic services and techniques to serve the needs of members of the community.

When coupled with other services such as corrective exercises, lifestyle advice and nutritional counseling, chiropractic care can become a preventative treatment. In general, having routine chiropractic treatments following auto-accident injuries ensures the spine is properly aligned, preventing future problems.

Dr. Luis Cornejo and his team are dedicated to helping patients improve their quality of life following vehicular accidents, work, and sports injuries and other sources of sudden or chronic neck and back pain.

"We pride ourselves on not just helping patients recover from their injuries but help them get on with their lives," said Dr. Cornejo. "Let us diagnose the source of your pain and offer chiropractic services that can return your life to normal."

Let Dr. Cornejo and his compassionate staff diagnose and treat the pain caused by an auto-injury accident today.

Interested patients should schedule a consultation right away by calling (903)-939-1415.

Source: Cornejo Chiropractic


Tags: chiropractor, chiropractor in Tyler, healer

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Steven Esparza
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