A Diet Plan That Fattens Your Pockets

Boomer generation health experts and authors, Dian and Tom Griesel offer tips to fatten your pockets while dieting.

Most diets encourage us to purchase specific foods or supplements, order exercise equipment or join a gym. But is any of this really necessary? Does losing excess body fat have to be expensive?

"Proper dieting should fatten your pockets, even as you are losing excess body fat and increasing your energy," say boomer generation health experts Dian Griesel, Ph.D., and Tom Griesel, authors of the new books TurboCharged: Accelerate Your Fat Burning Metabolism, Get Lean Fast and Leave Diet and Exercise Rules in the Dust (April 2011, BSH) and The TurboCharged Mind (January 2012, BSH). "In our book, we show that daily activities can be far more beneficial to your health than scheduled exercise. By performing basic, everyday tasks, anyone can burn calories and save money as well."

The Griesels offers the following tips to fatten your pockets while dieting:

• Instead of hiring someone to mow your lawn or rake your leaves, do it yourself. You'll burn 125 calories for every 30 minutes on the job, and save $20 or more per hour. By the end of the summer, you'll be pounds lighter and at least $600 richer.

• By washing your own car, you'll burn about 200 calories in 45 minutes. Do this twice a month and you'll save at least $360 over the course of a year.

• Plant a garden. Vegetables are basic fare for any diet program. For every hour you spend planting and maintaining a garden, you'll burn about 272 calories. Plus, you'll be saving hundreds of dollars off your grocery bill while eating far more nutritiously.

• Skip the supermarket and find a local farm that allows you to pick your own berries, apples, watermelons, pumpkins, squash or other fruits and vegetables. You'll burn 90 calories for every 30 minutes you spend picking, and you'll save several hundred dollars annually.

• Walk places instead of driving or taking a taxi. More than half of all car trips are for distances of less than a half mile. You can easily cover a half-mile on foot in 30 minutes, and you'll burn about 130 calories that way. Remember, if you live in a major metropolitan area, every 30 minutes in a cab can total at least $25.

"Health is wealth," the Griesels conclude. "Imagine what you could save if you weren't spending your hard-earned money on doctor visits, prescriptions and healthcare."

About TurboCharged:

TurboCharged® is a groundbreaking 8-Step program that defies common weight-loss theories. It successfully delivers body-defining rapid fat loss, accelerates metabolism, and improves health and odds of longevity without gimmicks, supplements or special equipment. The TurboCharged Mind is an excellent companion book to the author's acclaimed rapid fat loss book, TurboCharged, or perfect as a standalone read. A series of supporting TurboCharged™ hypnosis downloads are available for sale via the book's website, which offers ideal guided meditations to support and direct self-hypnosis sessions for faster fat loss, greater health, reduced stress, and to quit smoking. For more information, log on to Turbocharged


Tags: atkins, biggest loser, Dian Griesel, diet, Dukan, high protein, lean, low fat, low-carb, metabolism, Nutrition, paleo, South Beach, TurboCharged

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