A Dog Is Interviewed - Meet Toby The Chesapeake Bay Retriever From "On Toby's Term." He's Had A Book Written About Him, By Charmaine Hammond And Now A Movie Will Be Made Of His Story.

Charmaine Hammond and her Dog Toby Are interviewed on Dare to Dream Radio With Deborah Dachinger. Toby Goes From Destruction to Joyful Service Once His Purpose is Found.

Charmaine Hammond and Toby, her Chesapeake Bay retriever are on the radio. Not every dog has his day - however Charmaine wrote a book about Toby called "On Toby's Terms" which is being made into a movie by IMPACT Motion Pictures. Charmaine and her husband adopted Toby to find he routinely destroyed things, ate things, locked himself in rooms and created disaster. After seeking professional help, they discovered much greatness about Toby. Charmaine is an International Professional Speaker, Facilitator, author and consultant, who's been featured on CTV, CTSTV, radio and media articles. She's also written the book: "GPS Your Best Life," and contributed to "Chicken Soup for the Soul- What I Learned From a Dog." Nominated for the Woman of Influence Award, Charmaine has won Alumni of the Year, and RBC Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award. Through keynote addresses, professional development seminars, and corporate training programs, Hammond helps businesses and corporations Bounce Forward™ to build resilient and inspired teams.

Deborah's "Dare to Dream" radio show has been featured in Yahoo News, Earth Times, and Singapore Star News. The show won the "Intriguing Creator" award from YouPublish, a Lifetime Broadcasting Achievement Award from Elite VIP, and has been inducted into the Wellington C. Mepham "Who's Who Hall of Fame."


Tags: Bettie Youngs Books, bounce forward, Charmaine Hammond, conflict resolution, dare to dream, Debbi dachinger, dog, GPS Your Best Life, IMPACT Motion pictures, inspire, interview, metaphysics, motivate, on air personality, On Toby's Terms, podcast, professional speaker, radio, talent, television

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