A Fragile Child's Cry - True Story Of A Father's Unselfish Love & Rescue Of An Abused Foster Child
Online, December 10, 2011 (Newswire.com) - In today's fatherless generation where many dads are absent from the lives of their children, 'A Fragile Child's Cry' shows a different perspective. It is a heartfelt true story about a father's undying love for a child who was a victim of severe child abuse. Author H. L. Stampley shares his emotional journey with readers of the challenges he faced with the bureaucracy of the child care system through the adoption of a special needs child resulting from a horrific case of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS).
There are over 3 million cases of child abuse reported in the U.S. each year. SBS, a severe form of head injury caused by the forcible shaking of a child, is said to be recognized as the most common cause of mortality and accounts for the most long-term disability in infants and young children due to physical child abuse.
In writing A Fragile Child's Cry, Stampley states, "Oftentimes the personal challenges were so insurmountable and unimaginable; I just prayed that I would make it through this part of my life. I had to find the strength to carry on."
A Fragile Child's Cry, published by Street Positive Publishing, is available at streetpositive.com. A portion of the proceeds from the book will benefit programs for foster youth, abused and children with disabilities.
Stampley's mission is to be a voice for innocent victims of child abuse everywhere, like his foster son Tavarius, by raising awareness about this growing epidemic and the current flaws in the foster care system.
Stampley and Boykins can be heard on 'Speak Life' Blog Talk radio show live interview on Thursday, December 22nd at 5:30 p.m. (PST). Listeners can call in at 646-381-4443 or logon to blogtalkradio.com/1821speaklife to join in this very important and compelling subject of child abuse and the effect its having our our children.
About the Author
Born August 20, 1952 in Vallejo, CA, H. L. Stampley moved to Memphis, TN at the age of eleven with his mother and sister. A devoted Christian, husband and father who places God first in his life, Stampley responded to the call to foster parent in 1997. Having a total of five biological children between him and his wife Gwen, he has championed the cause of caring particularly for special needs, mentally fragile and children with severe disabilities in the foster care system. Of which, has caused him to have great compassion in advocating against child abuse, as well as, improper medical treatment.
About Street Positive
StreetPositive.com, a division of 4Positive Knowledge (1997), was originally established in 1999 to promote child safety among elementary school students.
Street Positive C.E.O. Terry Boykins has resided in the Inland Empire for nearly thirty years. He is organizer of the Million Father March and spearheads campaigns and movements that address the needs of critical social and economic issues including fatherhood, homeless youth, abuse, gangs, mentoring and more. The collaboration between Stampley and Boykins came about in 2009 after the Million Father March and Street Positive recognized fathers of disabled children. A colleague connected the two and they joined forces together to help raise awareness about the issues of child abuse in our society. Street Positive's vision is to instill family centered achievement models that cultivate positive and progressive socioeconomic advancement techniques which significantly impacts the future of African American youth.
Tags: child abuse victim, foster care, shaken baby syndrome, Street Positive