A Funny Review Site with an Attitude
Online, April 15, 2010 (Newswire.com)
Who has ever seen an eleven-month-old baby with a full set of brilliantly white teeth? Or one that writes reviews on his Laptop? Yet LeRoy Sprenkle is just that, and his humorous review site, www.babyleroy.com, gives not only recommendations of all sorts, but also entertaining stories about what goes on in the mind of an exceptionally precocious tot.
Review sites abound on the Internet these days, and this is understandable. Hard-pressed for time, people want to get the low-down on programs, the best websites and commercial products in a nutshell, instead of spending hours doing their own research.
After all, why not let someone else do the work of evaluation, so that you can then reap the profits of their labor by quickly choosing what is of use to you?
The average reviews site, however, suffers from two weaknesses.
First of all, many of the articles give very little useful information, since they are not written by discriminating authors.
Second, and perhaps even worse, is that all-too many commentaries tend to be boring, since they are written for commercial purposes, and are therefore stuffed to the brim with repetitive keywords, while being written in a monotonous, robotic style. (Indeed, some are "penned" by automated software expressly created for the purpose of churning out texts automatically!)
Why can't a good critique be not only genuinely informative, but truly entertaining as well?
This would seem to be the raison d'être behind www.Babyleroy.com, a humorously peculiar, yet definitely cool review site centered upon the funny stories and thoughtful musings of LeRoy, an unusually perceptive baby whose skill at creating a funny review is only overshadowed by his toothy grin.
Not to be confused with the Baby LeRoy of 1930's film fame, this LeRoy is amazingly articulate for one of his age. Although not being able to talk yet, he uses his trusty Acer PC Laptop to express himself, which he does in a manner that is at once both naive and seasoned, innocent and intuitive, while not being above hurling an in-your-face jibe when you're least expecting it!
His site features descriptions of excellent free software, recommended websites, and also commercial products to which he has given his verbally characteristic seal of approval.
The free programs he recommends will no doubt improve your PC experience, and at times he goes to great lengths not only to tell what they do, but also to give tips as to how to get the most out of them. Of course, he also provides the links where you can download them.
The oftentimes tongue-in-cheek humor makes for many a funny review, and the unforgettable pictures of Baby LeRoy qualify him to be on anyone's list of funny babies.
All in all, www.babyleroy.com is a site that will not only give you access to many a useful resource, but will also bring a smile to your face - if not a wild laugh!
Tags: cool review, free programs, free software, funny babies, funny review, review sites, reviews sites