A Gift of Caring Worth Sharing

Service Helps Caregivers Stay Connected with Aging Loved Ones During the Holidays and Throughout the Year

As the holiday season nears, the hustle and bustle begins! It's time for families to start planning how they'll celebrate. Whether in the home they've lived in for years or in a senior living community, there's nothing more gratifying to aging parents than seeing multiple generations gather for the holidays and spend time together. Why not also use the time to help Mom and Dad with their care needs?

Families typically designate one member's home as the annual meeting place for the holiday party, and traditionally, it's "to Grandmother's house we go." This is the perfect time for adult children to assess the state of their parents' home - Are repairs needed? What safety hazards need to be addressed? Are there simple "upgrades," such as handrails or better lighting, which would prolong independent living? Often, these gestures are the most appreciated gifts of the season.

Managing aging parents' physical challenges is usually easier than identifying and coping with behavioral changes. Age-related mental decline shows up differently from person to person. Some seniors experience short-term memory lapses that can really impact daily life, such as forgetting to pay bills or take medications. Others experience depression brought on by increased immobility and isolation.

The good news is there are several senior care options available that allow aging parents to maintain their independent lifestyle, and the holidays are a great time to look at and discuss these options - What's appropriate now and what should be considered down the line?

Keeping in Touch Solutions (KITS) is one such resource for staying connected with and managing the care of aging loved ones and easing the stress placed on caregivers. For less than the cost of a latte, a friendly and respectful "Care Caller" will place a daily phone call to the aging parent (living independently or in a senior care facility). Whether it's a reminder to take medications, to ensure well being, or simply to say "hello," KITS Care Callers become an extension of the adult children's care efforts.

For more information on caring for aging parents or to download a free e-book filled with ideas on how to make the most of your holidays with every generation of your family, visit KeepingInTouchSolutions.com, call 1-800-664-5541, or write to: Keeping In Touch Solutions - 3815 River Crossing Parkway, Ste. 100, Indianapolis, IN 46240.


Tags: aging parents, elderly care, medication reminders, senior care service

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Diana Beam
Press Contact, Keeping in Touch Solutions
Keeping in Touch Solutions
3815 River Crossing Parkway, Ste. 100
Indianapolis, IN 46240