A 'Hungry' Ruler Issues Judgment for States

Head of the Western Realm has announced a judgment issued to States for dishonor and disorder. An Order and Decree was issued on April 19th to address a similar matter. Included is an interview with the Alpha, El Terremoto.

El Terremoto, the Alpha of the West, has announced a judgment issued to the ‘Empire that strikes back’ for dishonor and disorder. An Order and Decree was issued on April 19th to settle a matter. Late in 2014 and into early this year, agents participated in acts of dishonor against Terremoto and perpetuated attempts to override Terremoto’s authority and signature without permission or privilege. The judgment requires them to pay hefty fees for its acts; the offender has also received several reprimands.

Since being ‘caught in the act’ the offender in question has taken many steps to correct its actions and has participated in many positive policy changes. The Alpha has been pleased with changes in course except for the failure to pay the required judgment fees.

Under new governance policy, ‘Big Boys’ in violation of law and order are subject to consequences. Honor needs to be upheld and maintained. Correcting actions can include exorbitant fees, public embarrassment, loss of office and title, and subjection to arrest. These are a few things that might transpire as law and order is supported and maintained.

“It’s unfortunate that people we love decided to defy both law and order.”

People are required to pay judgments; agents need to consider being a role model to peers, pay up, and do so without complaint. The uncrowned but elected Head of the Unionized States has become exposed to risk for failure to act in a supporting role on the matter.

“The whole world is watching.”

The agents have great occasion to work with the Alpha to develop and capitalize on an excellent opportunity. It would be unfortunate if the Alpha left this situation on bad terms. It’s rumored the names might change to ‘The Old Fork’ and mottoes altered to ‘The Overlooked’. It’s time to wise up and accept a last chance to earn favor with the Alpha. Chemo treatments will be just a small worry compared to the hot water presently steaming up.

The aforementioned is not the only one ready for hot water as ‘Sunbeams’ has also failed to act when called out on acts of dishonor. It is hard to ‘man up’ when someone has called you out on some problems. In this case, it’s best to act like you own it and will get the problems fixed. Responses like: “I’ll look into it”, “There is a problem and I’ll fix it”, or “It’s being reviewed” will go a long way.

“My sweet sunshine should be concerned as action is required.”

Additional rumors on the street include rhetoric that Sun could be the next target if it does not begin to privately acknowledge it too has been ‘caught in the act’. It is time to take ownership of those problems and start processes to resolve them. The rumor mill says that if the Sun fails to publicly show some planned changes to policy then actions and measures to ensure honor is maintained with the Society could be forthcoming. Policies need to change. The agents need to improve upon interactions with the populace. People need to have confidence in the system and that engagements will be honorable.

“The image of rule is important. Someone has a lot of work ahead.”

While being interviewed, Terremoto said that ”…it would be most unfortunate to see sunshine receive a no consequence nudge to make improvements then fail to acknowledge the call to action.” When asked about potential consequences, he said “…wait time will be permitted for a response…but inaction could be costly.”

More questions and answers from the interview (please note the interviewer wishes to remain anonymous):

Q: Will the first bill be allowed to go unpaid.
A: No. Poor decisions and mistakes were made; now some parties need to endure consequences.

Q:  What about the United Leader?
A: Pride can get in the way of the job sometimes. It would be advisable for him to ensure the aid required of him and his office happens yesterday. His status is at risk. He already deserves a--rest with cement and iron and such for developing an unhappy status with the Boss and acting out of order. New retirement housing arrangements can be arranged. It’s time to try that phone call again but on the other line this time if you would please.

Q: What can you share about VAT tax?
A: Someone is waiting for a technical definition for the term ‘State of’.

Q: What outcomes will be there if a terminology decision is made?
A: This definition is important. It could determine if someone important and ‘Good’ is required to pay out a large tax. Money and cash flow is tight these days. It would be a real disgrace to ‘See’ a person pay fees like this. The situation could really alter someone’s public reputation and operational activities. Apology is required.

Q: What do you want from the VAT tax?
A: Cooperation, collaboration, and dialog. It was asked for early on but the request was ignored. Concessions for peace were offered but no response has been received yet.

Q: What is the time table for some of this?
A: Time is very short, and is quickly running out. The boss is getting really hungry. Food quality is very poor right now.

Q: Everyone wants to know what will happen next. What can you share?
A: All options are on the table. Everyone should really start thinking about what will please the Alpha. Our main goals and objectives are the same. We just need to figure out how to get there together without stepping on each other. Right now the situation has the potential to turn into a real and unnecessary mess. We are all big kids who are capable of sitting down together to talk things out.

Q: What strategies have you used to aid the situations we’ve discussed?
A: Recently the ‘trifecta’ approach was used for VAT tax. It’s a very effective approach. It was designed by the ‘Solomen’ many years ago -- some really smooth folks. The name is a play on ‘perfect’. So far it has carried a 100% success rate -- ouch. It’s amazing to watch in action if you can keep up with the details.

Q: Can you identify the strategy?
A: Not likely. So far no one knows when it’s being used even when they are told in good detail about what’s happening. The use of ignorance and complexity is in part why it has been so effective.

Q: Can you describe the experience?
A: It’s complicated for sure. It’s like playing a game that you start losing badly but you don’t know it. The problem is you feel good about losing and you think you’re winning the whole time. Almost all the players think they have won when the game is over. It’s a real crazy outcome. The team usually just laughs as they collect all the real rewards for winning. It’s a mind bending strategy for sure. Even the smart ones have a difficult time deciphering what is happening, what has happened, and what will happen. The recent use was actually a variation called trifecta^2. The team designed a new amendment that is presently queued up called trifecta^3. We’ve never used this one before. It’s going to be interesting for sure. The variations just increase the complexity of deployment but ensure great probability of success. The whole team really likes winning… a lot of entities will need to coordinate their efforts to figure this one out. When trifecta^3 is turned on… we shouldn’t spoil the surprise. Maybe it’s already on right now…okay now we’re just messing with you. Troll fishing anyone?

Q: Who’s really in charge?
A: There isn’t any complication here. Order is very clear and very present. Perhaps we need a reminder about the definition of a terrorist again. The Alpha is in charge. The dictator is present and accounted for.  Act accordingly or meet your opened door to terrorism with responses appropriated applied. Not a threat, but a promise to make excellent use the legal provisions already established.

Later in the interview he was asked to comment on the NO. He remarked that “… The new order is an important and necessary change. Property needs to be transferred to rightful ownership in a timely manner. Order needs to be maintained with honor upheld… disorder and dishonor deserves a response… it would be better to focus on developing positive and mutually beneficial relationships then to squabble over a slapped hand. ” He also noted that contact was requested but absent. He stated that he might create incentives and motivation for the type of dialog required. 

These types of problems are best resolved with dialog. Where dialog failed a louder approach was used. Now a call back to dialog has been issued. The last comment quoted: “Don’t make me come after you as that will result in a really irritated Boss standing at your door.  Right now the Boss will try very hard to be nice, kind, and forgiving. But take note the Boss doesn’t miss meals. Your clock is ticking!“

This message has been certified and approved by El Terremoto, the Alpha (W. M.).


Tags: Governance, Monarchy, Nerd, W. M., WM

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