A Lasting Tribute for Loved Ones - Books & DVDs from Cherished Lives

When remembering loved ones, we naturally wish to recall the highlights and happy moments we have shared together. Most families and friends will have collected photographs, souvenirs, holiday videos or mementos to illustrate their memories.

What better way of honouring them than by recording this cherished life for posterity, either with a high-quality tribute book, or with a vibrant digital DVD recording?

Cherished Lives is a newly formed family business which offers a sympathetic and economic design and production service for Tribute Books and DVDs. The company is happy to produce even just a single book or DVD, or multiple copies, and can post links onto the Internet for viewing by relatives and friends around the world.

Cherished Lives works closely with family, friends, funeral directors or other nominated contributors to take any historical or biographical material - like photos, video clips, captions, written notes, service records or even recorded interviews - and turn these into high quality memorial books or DVDs. These are lasting memorials which will be enjoyed and treasured for generations to come.

Standard Tribute Books are high quality hardback full colour productions of between 20 and 40 pages. Standard Tribute DVDs feature images, captions and musical or spoken sound track, and run to either 6 or 10 minutes approximately. Non-standard sizes and finishes are also available, and Cherished Lives will be happy to quote against any specification required. All loaned material is returned after use, and clients can see preliminary proofs before final copies are produced.

After making contact through the Cherished Lives website, customers can discuss what is the most appropriate and economic project, what material is available material and get a quotation for producing the book or DVD. Once details have been agreed, material and information can be sent in for the Cherished Lives design team to work on.

Whatever form the tribute project takes, a proof copy is povided - either on paper or electronically - for customer inspection and approval, or to make amendments. After this the number of copies requested will be produced and delivered by recorded post or courier within a few days. Original material is returned at the same time. If at a later stage additional copies are require, these can be supplied at reduced cost.
Two full length examples of Cherished Lives Tribute DVDs on YouTube can be found at:


Tags: DVD, love, tribute

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Dan Bogard
Press Contact, Cherished Lives Limited