A Marketing Agency in East Riding of Yorkshire Is Making It Happen in Australia

Cost Saving Marketing, a marketing agency in East Riding of Yorkshire, helped an Australian charity raise $9,020 for The Open Water Safety and Survival Day Program which teaches water safety to students grade 5 and 6 in over 30 East Gippsland schools.

Cost Saving Marketing's Managing Director Tanya Dale has contributed to the writing of the book Make it Happen - a book which can be described as a wisdom bible of motivational quotes contributed by global business leaders for aspiring entrepreneurs during the start-up phase in their business.

The beautiful limited edition book is 54 pages and includes quotes from over 40 inspirational business people from across the world. One hundred per cents of the profits from selling the book goes to the charity. Tanya Dale shared the quote which was chosen for the Make It Happen book: "Starting to work on your dream is a choice. If your dream is to be an entrepreneur you should never become a reflection of someone else's idea of what your dream should look like. Entrepreneurs hold this unique power to create, live their passion and never get stuck in their comfort zone. Successful entrepreneurs don't own businesses and play safe, they make things happen by having the courage to take risks most people will see as insanity."

"Starting to work on your dream is a choice. If your dream is to be an entrepreneur you should never become a reflection of someone else's idea of what your dream should look like. Entrepreneurs hold this unique power to create, live their passion and never get stuck in their comfort zone. Successful entrepreneurs don't own businesses and play safe, they make things happen by having the courage to take risks most people will see as insanity."

Tanya Dale, Managing Director

Tanya Dale, Cost Saving Marketing's Managing Director shared that her business's vision has always been to support entrepreneurs globally and this Australian initiative was the perfect opportunity to network with business leaders who are willing to support this children fundraising event. Forty three business leaders from all over the world contributed to raising over $9,000 which shows that Hull is truly a city of culture where global businesses are born and keep growing.


Tags: charity, Hull city of culture, marketing

About Cost Saving Marketing

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Cost Saving Marketing is a full marketing agency based in Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire. It offers marketing consultancy for business which want to grow using innovative cost saving marketing ideas.

Tanya Dale
Tanya Dale
Managing Director, Cost Saving Marketing
Cost Saving Marketing
Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9LG
United Kingdom