A Match-Making Platform to Boost Growth & Development of Myanmar Agriculture & Livestock Sector
Online, June 18, 2013 (Newswire.com) - 2. This timely summit will provide participants with first hand insights into the market potential for Myanmar's Food & Cash Crops: rice, grains, palm oil/ edible oils, sugar, fruits & vegetables, coffee, seeds, rubber etc; Fertiliser, agro chemicals & plant protection; Post harvest processing & mechanization potential; Contract farming opportunities & investment framework; Livestock & meat processing new business opportunities; Animal feed market; New Special Economic Zones & dedicated Agricultural Parks; Agricultural Funds & Agri Trade Finance & microcredits.
3. Over 50 distinguished speakers from top-notch organizations presenting at the summit include senior representatives from Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Ministry of Livestock & Fisheries ,Institute of Crop Sciences/National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources & Genetic Improvement, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Ministry of Agriculture, China, Myanmar Fruits & Vegetables Growers Association (Mandalay) ,Myanmar Broiler Association, Myanmar Egg Distribution Association, Myanmar Livestock Feed Production Association, Myanmar Pulses, Beans, Sesame & Seeds Merchants Association , Myanmar Livestock Federation , Myanmar Bee Association, Myanmar Sugarcane and Sugar Manufacturers & Traders Association ,Myanmar Paddy Producers Association, Myanmar Farmer Association ,Myanmar Livestock Federation ,Myanmar Rice Millers Association ,GoldenLace Parboiled Rice Production & Milling Group, Myanmar Pulses, Beans, Sesame & Seeds Merchants Association, Myanmar Livestock Products Export Association, Myanmar Cattle, Buffalo & Goat Association , Shwe War Yadanar Company, Mani Sanda Coffee Plantation/Mani Sanda Services , Burhani Agri Trading Company, Paungde Shwe Myay Company, United Overseas Bank Group, Myanmar Agricultural Development Bank, Myanmar Livestock & Fisheries Bank and many more
4. With over 20 countries present at the summit, the participants will also participate in interactive forums on: Rice,Grains, Pulses & Seeds, Fertilizer-Agrochemicals, Funding and Trade Insurance, livestock and food processing, Overcoming critical Infrastructure Bottlenecks - Power, Port, Road Transportation, Overcoming Approval, Legal, Customs, Tax and Cash Flow Challenges in Myanmar investments
5. Leading global companies will be showcasing their products, technologies and equipment including Korea Daewon GSI, Turkey's Alapala Group, Belgium's DRL Import & Export Co, India's Fowler Westrup.
6. This summit is supported by Myanmar Rice Federation, Myanmar Farmer Association, Myanmar Pulses Beans & Sesame Seeds Merchants Association, Myanmar Livestock Federation, Myanmar Fruit, Flower & Vegetable Producer and Exporter Association, Thai Rice Exporters Association's Agricultural and Food Marketing Association for Asia and the Pacific and Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia and the Pacific
7. The CEO of the conference organizing company, Magenta Global Pte Ltd, Singapore, Ms Maggie Tan, said: " Doing business in Myanmar is all about getting the right information, at the right time and meeting the right people. We are delighted that this Summit has assembled together the agri business top players who will be able to provide participants with the facts and insights into both the cash crops as well as industrial crops as well as livestock and food processing sectors."
8. The event will be held at the Inya Lake Hotel at Yangon, Myanmar.
9. For more information about the summit please visit http://www.magenta-global.com.sg/myanmaragritrade2013/
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Tags: agriculture, investment, Myanmar, rice