A Movement Is Growing to Promote Christian Enertainment

From music to film a service is now available for Christians in the entertainment industry to obtain free publicity and to network with like minded entertainers. More than a website, bravegeneration.com is a movement in cultural change.

A new movement is starting among Christians that are in the entertainment industry. James Henderson, founder of bravegeneration.com believes that their is a cultural "speed bump" that has made it difficult for Christians to gain traction in the world of entertainment. Henderson states, " I don't understand what the so called mainstream is afraid of". " There are some very talented artists in all genres of music as well as actors and actresses or any area of entertainment that are being brushed aside because of their religious beliefs, it's religious discrimination and that must change".

Henderson's plans through creating bravegeneration.com is too also create a movement in the entertainment industry. The Brave Generation movement is to create a network of those in the entertainment industry where the artists and their fans can work with each other to offer support and also build a network of artists. Other plans that Henderson says are in the works are to put together compilation albums to help get the music out to build interest in the musicians. He also would like to reach out to people in all areas of the film industry to create quality family films and full length movies as well as family friendly television programs. "If you look at the recent ratings of faith based TV shows such as Duck Dynasty and movies such as God's not Dead the demand is there", Henderson states.

He goes on to say, " If the mainstream continues to turn their back on these entertainers and not produce their work, then some one has to step up and produce it, that will be our role, the role of a Brave Generation." For more information contact bravegeneration.com or follow on Twitter @bravegeneration. it seems a movement for quality entertainment is growing.


Tags: bravegeneraion.com, christian, entertainment, film, Free, Movies, music, promotions, publicity, television

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James W Henderson
Press Contact, bravegeneration.com
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