A Neural Network's Collection of Poetry

"Almost a Dead Crowd" is a collection of poems generated by a fully trained, multi-layered recurrent neural network trained specifically to write poetry.

For the first time ever an artificial intelligence in the form of a neural network has learned to write poetry in a way that's both readable and interesting. "Almost a Dead Crowd" collects the best of these poems. 

As poetry goes, it isn't ground breaking but when considering that it was written completely from nothing by an artificially intelligent neural network the results are that much more amazing.

The poetry the AI creates is eclectic and different nearly every time it’s generated. As the style changes, it's the neural networks way of indicating it's a new poem. Some of them even have titles created by the AI. Editor M Leonard Devoe has done some minimal editing for tense and spell checking. Yes, the AI, just like a human being, occasionally makes spelling and grammar mistakes. 

Almost a Dead Crowd is offered exclusively on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/Almost-Dead-Crowd-Collected-Network-ebook/dp/B013H4FJRY 

Example poems generated at different temperatures have been posted to the blog http://neuralnetpoetry.blogspot.com/ The best ones were saved and compiled for this book instead of being posted.

Leonard Devoe is available for interviews and appearances. For booking presentations, media appearances, interviews and poetry readings contact [email protected].


Tags: artificial intelligence, books, neural network, poems, poetry

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