A New Drinkable Acne Treatment Is Growing in Popularity

A new company called Derma Drinkables has recently launched a drinkable acne treatment containing multiple antioxidants, making it the first of its kind. The product stems from a recent line of scientific studies showing the healing abilities of antioxidants against the effects of acne. Their website, www.DermaDrink.com, is the home of the new product where it can be purchased.

A new company called Derma Drinkables has recently launched a drinkable acne treatment containing multiple antioxidants, making it the first of its kind. The product stems from a recent line of scientific studies showing the healing abilities of antioxidants against the effects of acne. Their website is the home of the new product where it can be purchased.

The creators of the product claim that highly noticeable results are visible not just within the first 7 days, but within 24 hours. The treatment is designed for the most severe cases of acne, but also for people who suffer from reoccurring breakouts.

 “We agree that facial cleansers and creams should still be used to fight acne, but unfortunately for most people they are not nearly strong enough by themselves. They can only cleanse the surface of your skin by fighting against the effects of acne, instead of stopping its causes.  Antioxidants however, thanks to recent scientific studies, we now know have the ability to heal the root causes of acne, which take place far below the surface.” the founders of the company stated.

The website contains information about the ingredients, where they come from and their purpose. The antioxidants they’ve included in their drinkables are selenium, vitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamin D and vitamin E.

“These might seem like the typical antioxidants your familiar with, but it’s the dosages that matter.  As the studies have shown, these antioxidants possess very powerful abilities when taken in the necessary dosages. Conveniently they are also very safe due to their natural origin, but they should never be underestimated or abused.” the company states.

The company has been growing rapidly in the past few months as the product gains new exposure.

 “Antioxidants may not be a cure to acne, but they are without doubt a remedy. And fortunately, a remedy brings the same results as a cure, but it must be consistently used. That’s good enough in our book.” the company further states.

Derma Drinkables is FDA regulated and comes in a pack of 8 drinkables (2 oz. each). Each pack is priced at $24.95. For more information about them, please visit their website.


Tags: acne treatment, clear skin, drinkable, hormonal acne, how to clear acne, mild acne

About Derma Drinkables

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Derma Drinkables is an Antioxidant Acne Treatment, each drinkable is 2 ounces and comes in a pack of 8.

Derma Drinkables
11 allen st (2a)
Toms River, NJ 08735-2343