A New Personal Growth and Motivational Book Called "Foundation Stone of Hope: Everyone Has Purpose"

"Foundation Stone of Hope" is a wish of hope for all in a personal journey of Christian faith: "Change your thinking, change your actions, change your world!"

A new book called "Foundation Stone of Hope" has been released and is targeted at people from all walks of life, and especially for people who are searching for purpose. The author sees the book as her personal journey of faith and lessons learnt, and believes it is a catalyst to guide people who may be searching for purpose towards living their dreams and grasping hope, and she stresses that these choices are for each person to make. The author says her book shows: "My faith, my journey, my thoughts..."

This book has insights about identity and purpose; personal stories and the power of positive mindsets; perception; love and happiness; Christianity and faith; acceptance and understanding; dealing with criticism; fear, anger and bullying; emotions, hurt and healing; personal change; the power of one voice; liberating dreams.

The book shows that people will find hope through using their talents and finding their passions and living their purpose through their dreams. Jesus said people must let their lights of life shine, Matthew 5:14-16 "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." In His words about salt and light, Jesus spoke about people fulfilling their purpose here on earth, about being who they are and doing good works. He preached that salt must keep its salty flavour to be of use as salt, just as people need to fulfill their God-given purpose, and be who they were always meant to be. Everyone has a purpose. Everyone in the world has something to give.

"Foundation Stone of Hope", published using CreateSpace, has been released as a trade paperback that retails for approximately $15, and a kindle ebook that retails for $5. The trade paperback is available to order from Amazon.com and a few select booksellers. The kindle ebook is available on all Amazon websites.


Tags: find your purpose, live your dreams, personal growth

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