A New Perspective on Ways to Save Money on Food

An innovative perspective on cutting back on food costs to save money during the recession, in the form of a cookbook

A year and a half ago, at the height of the global recession, a temporary contractor working in an embattled industry was the victim of job cutbacks. She bravely struggled, trying in vain to find employment, and was forced to gradually reduce expenses as the contract market dried up. Eating out was one of the first to go. She had to learn how to cook all her meals from scratch. As her savings dwindled, food costs took a backseat to more urgent expenses, like rent, mortgage and taxes.

She was faced with a dilemma - food, one of the single biggest expenses, was now a luxury. She spent many hours scouring local supermarkets and shops and discovered that she was able to concoct family-size meals with what had been considered spare change, even doing a whole week's grocery shop with coins from the bottom of her bag. She had to cook most of her meals from scratch, as convenience foods were not within her budget anymore. She quickly discovered that some of the most versatile and tasty food items can be created from the most basic items in the supermarket, which often have the lowest prices and greatest number of purchasing options available.

She spent the year and a half creating recipes, many of which have never been recorded before, and the most useful discoveries for families have been compiled into a cookbook, The Money-Saving Cookbook: Feed Your Family Well With Your Spare Change, which is available in print on lulu. The pictures used in the book were all taken in her own kitchen, and are honest representations of real meals cooked by a home cook.

She is sharing the results of her personal experience with the hope that others will be able to benefit, and save some of the money they spend on food, allowing them to loosen their belts somewhat. The cookbooks on the market are either of traditional recipes, or have been created by people who had no real experience of an economic crisis, making The Money-Saving Cookbook unique in its insights and perspectives, borne of unusual circumstances. This is an invaluable resource for busy moms and college students, and is a real financial investment.


Tags: book, Cook, cookbook, cooking, food, money, money-saving, recession, recipe, save

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