A New Species available in multiple formats

The Novel "A New Species" is now available in print and e-formats including iPhone, iPod Touch, Kindle, Sony eReader, Palm and more through author's website http://www.cage-den.com

"A New Species" is a novel about the origins of vampires in the world. It takes place in Africa about 15000 B.C. The book has been in the works for a number of months and is now availble through PublishAmerica as a print version and Smashwords.com as electronic distribution. While there are many vampire books available, none are quite like this one. The authors website also hosts his other works and works in progress. One of the most read is the Vampire Family Tree. Also the completed book "A Vampire's Book of Knowledge" is available in the same formats from the authors website.


Tags: book, e-book, vampire

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