A New Wave in Wealth Management

Global futurist and keynote speaker Jack Uldrich will address a private client in the wealth management industry in Boston, MA, on June 1

Jack Uldrich: Keynote Speaker

Applying Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Process Automation, and cyber security to wealth management are just a few of the technological challenges facing wealth managers today. Futurist Jack Uldrich will be discussing the impact these game-changers will have on the field this week in Boston.

On June 1, Uldrich will address a private wealth management group that provides integrated wealth management services for high net worth individuals, families, foundations, and endowments.

"Technology is burgeoning, and it has the potential to render what was once personal and comforting to being remote and at times disquieting."

Jack Uldrich, Financial Futurist

Financial advisors have long relied on interpersonal connections to sustain the trust necessary to create lasting relationships. Meetings over lunch, a hand-signed letter, or lengthy phone calls are now being replaced by emails and online transactions.  

"The field is changing quickly, but people's concerns regarding their investments remain largely the same," says Uldrich. "Technology is burgeoning, and it has the potential to render what was once personal and comforting to being remote and at times disquieting."

Hence the term "disruptions" being bantered about throughout the industry.

As a futurist, Uldrich will not only address cutting-edge technologies that wealth managers need to start leveraging, he will also discuss the attitude to keep in mind the personal connections necessary to good business. 

Uldrich, who is currently working on a new Book entitled Business as Unusual: The Big AHA, will introduce his acronym for success.  AHA stands for Awareness, Humility, and Action.

For all the new-fangled digitization, Uldrich says some old-school concepts like Lao Tzu's practice of "subtracting something every day" can enhance and protect the new school of thought when it comes to building wealth.

Uldrich speaks on a regular basis around the world. His clients include Banamex, Global Atlantic, Invesco, Wells Fargo, University of Wisconsin Graduate School of Banking, Thrivent, Signal Hills, Stockbridge and Questar Capital, among others.

Parties interested in learning more about Jack Uldrich, his books, his daily blog or his speaking availability are encouraged to visit his website.

Source: Jack Uldrich & The School of Unlearning


Tags: banking, blockchain, Boston, crypto currency, Financial advising, future trends in finance, Keynote speaker, wealth management

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Jack Uldrich, the Founder of the School of Unlearning, is a highly acclaimed global futurist, speaker, and best-selling author.

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