A New Way To Encourage People To Live Green
Online, March 17, 2011 (Newswire.com) - With today's global warming crisis and illnesses associated with toxic chemicals, many individuals tried to find means of communicating to people on how to live green and live a healthy life.
Individuals using toxic chemicals are encourage to use alternative natural cleaning products on their daily house cleaning as well as mold cleaning.
With the Facebook contest launched and book published by John Vlahakis, he may be able to help certain individuals to change their way of life.
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"One way to encourage people to live green and be healthy is to make them realize what's going on our planet. John Vlahakis, founder and president of EFP (Earth Friendly Products) has his new way in encouraging home owners to use green cleaning products and throw away toxic household chemicals."
"On the other hand, Founder of My Cleaning Products has helped John is his way to change the world into a better place."
"Find out what you can do Today! ==="
"Before going "green" was chic, John Vlahakis, president and founder of Earth Friendly Products was doing his part to encourage everyone to consider the earth and save its precious resources. In his first book, Green Bites - Ecological Musings from the Front, Vlahakis introduces his tips for green living, essays on preservation and his personal nature photography, which was previously showcased on his highly-trafficked blog, The Earthy Report."
"In 1993, Vlahakis launched Earth Friendly Products. He believed in the value of green products and his vision grew from a seedling of an idea to one of the world's largest manufacturers of green cleaning products, and has garnered countless awards for eco-friendly and sustainable practices, including the GEELA, presented to the company in November 2010."
"Vlahakis launched his book at the Earth Friendly Products booth at Natural Products Expo West, signing books at the booth on Friday, March 11th and Saturday, March 12th. Once at the booth, convention-goers entered Earth Friendly Products' latest contest for a chance to win two iPads and a year's supply of cleaning products. The contest, which is live on Facebook, encourages green cleaners to nominate their friends and family members who need help finding the path to green cleaning, either because they don't clean at all or use toxic chemicals. The contest is open through April 15, 2011."
Read the rest of teh story below:
If you re one of those individuals still using deadly toxic house cleaning products, it's time for you to move on an live healthy. Use green cleaning products and be part of changing the world.
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Tags: global warmng, green cleaning products, mold, mold cleaning, mold removal, natural cleaning products